Назад Barbara Toce: "The Congress and the European Committee of the Regions share the values of territorial democracy"

Barbara Toce:

"Despite the differences between our two institutions, we are all committed to promoting a common good: the territory, with its local and regional authorities," stressed Congress Vice-President Barbara Toce (Italy, SOC), at the round table organised in Brussels on 27 June, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Congress and the European Committee of the Regions.

"We share the values of territorial democracy and the conviction that local and regional authorities play a crucial role in shaping the future of our continent," she added, underlining several issues raised during the discussions, such as declining public confidence, climate change and the development of the "cyber society".

Recalling the Congress' contribution to the Helsinki Ministerial Summit, which focused on the future of the Council of Europe, she referred to the "new socio-territorial pact" and the importance of involving all levels of governance, in particular local and regional elected representatives who are closest to the citizens.

"25 years ago, our two institutions were created to promote decentralisation and local and regional democracy in Europe. Considerable progress has been made, but this goal is still relevant," said the Vice-President. "The continuation of our cooperation will enable us to move towards a genuine multi-level governance system based on the solid foundations of territorial democracy," she concluded.



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Brussels: The European Committee of the Regions and the Council of Europe’s Congress celebrate their 25th anniversary in Brussels, on 27 June
Joint 25th anniversary Brussels, Belgium 27 June 2019
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The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe and the EU's Committee of the Regions have signed a co-operation agreement (revised in 2018) which formalises the fields of interest and methods of co-operation of the two institutions.

Giampaolo Cordiale
Deputy Secretary of the Chamber of Regions
Email / Tél. + 33 3 88 41 31 02