35th session of the Congress: integrity and ethical behaviour of local and regional elected representatives

35th Session 11 October 2018 Strasbourg, France

The members of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe met in Strasbourg, France, from 6 to 8 November 2018 at their 35th session on the theme of “Integrity and ethical behaviour of local and regional elected representatives”. The Congress examined, for adoption,...

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Congress members renewed the presidency of the Congress on 6 November 2018 in Strasbourg, France. They elected Anders KNAPE (Sweden, EPP/CCE) President, Gunn Marit HELGESEN (Norway, EPP/CCE) President of the Chamber of Regions and Xavier CADORET (France, SOC) President of the Chamber of Local Authorities. The three Congress committees also held elections, with Gabriele NEFF (Germany, ILDG) and Leendert VERBEEK (Netherlands, SOC) being re-elected Chair of the Current Affairs Committee and Chair of the Monitoring Committee respectively, while Robert GRÜMAN (Romania, EPP/CCE) was elected Chair of the Governance Committee.

Назад Outgoing president calls for gender rotation for the post of Congress president

Outgoing president calls for gender rotation for the post of Congress president

Taking stock of her two-year term at the helm of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, outgoing president Gudrun MOSLER-TÖRNSTRÖM spoke of the high quality of the work and  discussions that had helped to convey the Congress’s political message.

“The policy we have been following for ten years is to focus on our competences, in particular through the monitoring of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, the observation of local and regional elections and co-operation programmes,” said the President. “It is this pragmatic policy that allows the Congress to contribute effectively to the local and regional dimension of the Council of Europe’s activities,” she added, pointing to the role of national associations of local and regional authorities.

“On a more personal note, as the first woman to be elected President of this Assembly, I have been keen to raise the profile of gender equality and the place of women in politics, in our communities and in international organisations,” declared Ms MOSLER-TÖRNSTRÖM. She underlined how, for the first time also in the history of the Council of Europe, between May and November 2018, the chairmanship of its three political entities – the Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Congress - had been held by women.  

Calling on Congress members to continue the fight for gender equality, Ms MOSLER-TÖRNSTRÖM expressed the hope that in future, it would become the norm to have a regular rotation between genders for the post of Congress President. “This is the message I want to leave you at the opening of this session. The Congress has been a true pioneer with regard to parity, it is now up to us to confirm this political will and to put it into practice,” she concluded.


** 35th Session of the Congress **

File 35th Session - Agenda - Videos and photos - Mediabox

35th Session Strasbourg, France 6 November 2018
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Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers: “The European Charter of Local-Self-Government is a major achievement of the Council of Europe”

35th Session 7 November 2018 Strasbourg, France

“These are, undoubtedly, difficult times. At the European level, at the national and local level and also at an institutional level. Pan-European challenges are more present than ever,” said Marija Pejčinović BURIĆ, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia,...

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Safeguarding integrity among local and regional elected representatives

35th Session 7 November 2018 Strasbourg, France

Conflicts of interest, transparency, open government and Code of Conduct regarding local and regional governance: four reports were adopted on these issues during the 35th Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg (France) on 7 November 2018....

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Consolidating the institutional role of the Congress to better defend local and regional democracy

35th Session 7 November 2018 Strasbourg, France

On 7 November 2018 the Congress adopted a recommendation which included several proposals for the reform of its political functioning. The aim is to consolidate its institutional role as a guarantor of local and regional democracy within the Council of Europe, while strengthening its capacity to...

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