Congress Standing Rapporteur on Human Rights meet with Human Rights experts of the Council of Europe

10 July 2024 Strasbourg, France

Congress Standing Rapporteur on Human Rights Gudrun Mosler-Törnström (Austria, SOC/G/PD) and Deputy Standing Rapporteurs Mélanie Lepoultier (France, ILDG) and Peter Drenth (Netherlands, EPP/CCE) will carry out a study visit to Strasbourg from 10 to 11 July 2024. They will hold exchange of views...

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Congress and Council of Europe youth bodies join forces for the Youth Participation Charter revision

5 July 2024 Strasbourg, France

On 5 July 2024, the Committee on Social Inclusion and Human Dignity of the Congress organised a consultative meeting in Strasbourg to move forward with the new revision of the European Charter on the participation of young people in local and regional life, adopted in 1992 and revised for the...

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Ageing communities, artificial intelligence, housing and human trafficking on the agenda of the Social Inclusion Committee

4 July 2024 Strasbourg, France

The Committee on Social Inclusion and Human Dignity of the Congress, meeting in Strasbourg on 4 July, approved a report on “Ageing communities - ensuring access to quality social care for older persons” by rapporteurs Joanne Laban (United Kingdom, ECR) and Carla Dejonghe (Belgium, ILDG). For this...

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Congress President stresses crucial role of local and regional authorities in delivering social rights

4 July 2024 Vilnius, Lithuania

"The road to social justice and the full implementation of social rights is a collective undertaking," stressed Marc Cools, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, at the opening of the High-Level Conference on the European Social Charter, in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 4 July...

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Council of Europe and Ukraine sign joint declaration on the way forward in post-war period

3 July 2024 Strasbourg, France

After the two-day session of the High Level Dialogue on good democratic governance in Ukraine and the way forward in the post-war period, Council of Europe Deputy Secretary General Bjørn Berge and First Deputy Chairperson of the Parliament of Ukraine Oleksandr Korniyenko signed the following...

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Congress Secretary General welcomes continued dialogue on decentralisation in Ukraine

2 July Strasbourg, France

“The decentralisation reform in Ukraine has led to the creation of bigger, stronger and more resilient local authorities, which proved to be pivotal in resisting the Russian aggression,” underlined Congress Secretary General Mathieu Mori at the opening of the High-Level Dialogue on good...

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Council of Europe Congress: Statement by the Monitoring Committee on the situation in Georgia

2 July 2024 Tbilisi, Georgia

The Monitoring Committee of the Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, meeting in Tbilisi, Georgia, on 2 July 2024, adopted the following statement: “The Monitoring Committee reaffirms its full support to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia...

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High-level dialogue on good democratic governance in Ukraine and way forward in post-war period

2 July Strasbourg, France

On 2-3 July 2024, Council of Europe and key national stakeholders from Ukraine gather in Strasbourg to discuss perspectives for good democratic governance reforms in Ukraine and further actions to improve the legal framework on multilevel governance and post-war elections in line with European...

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Armenian and Georgian municipalities forge new partnerships across the border

28 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

Leaders and officials from neighbouring Armenian and Georgian municipalities met in Dilijan, Armenia, on 26-27 June 2024 to exchange ideas for a cross-border cooperation project involving the creation of youth centres, shared management of agricultural resources, and joint economic development...

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Congress supports Polish local authorities in enhancing migrant integration

28 June 2024 Rzeszow, Poland

The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, jointly with the Association of Polish Cities, organised on 24 June 2024 in Rzeszow, Poland, a roundtable to discuss the preparation of a national migration strategy for 2025-2030. The event gathered more than 40 local...

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Council of Europe Congress visits Bulgaria to discuss the execution of Court judgments at local level

24 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

Congress Standing Rapporteur on Human Rights Gudrun Mosler-Törnström (Austria, SOC/G/PD) will carry out a visit to Bulgaria on 25 June 2024 to hold a political dialogue with local authorities on the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in the country at local level....

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Register of Damage for Ukraine and the Council of Europe's Congress Join Forces to Launch an Awareness Campaign for Ukrainian Local and Regional Authorities

24 June 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

The Register of Damage for Ukraine (RD4U) and the Council of Europe’s Congress held an event in Kyiv to kick off preparations for an awareness campaign aimed at involving representatives of Ukrainian cities and regions in promoting RD4U's mandate and the process of submitting claims to the...

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Congress to partner with GRECO in fighting corruption in municipalities and regions

21 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

“While corruption undermines governance at all levels, it is at local level that its impact is felt most directly by people,” stressed Danela Arsovska (North Macedonia, EPP/CCE), Mayor of Skopje and Congress Spokesperson on Ethics and Prevention of Corruption, addressing the High-level Session of...

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International Day for Countering Hate Speech: Congress calls for better education in tolerance and democratic values

18 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

“Action taken against hate speech needs to start with prevention – by educating people in each local community from an early age in a spirit of democratic values, tolerance and mutual respect. As a local politician, this is the main message that I would like to convey on the occasion of the 2024...

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The Council of Europe Congress examines the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in Liechtenstein

17 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

A delegation of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, composed of rapporteurs Xavier Cadoret (France, SOC/G/PD) and Marjorie Crovetto (Monaco, NI), will carry out a monitoring visit to Vaduz, as well as to the municipalities of Balzers, Eschen-Nendeln and Planken from 18 to 19 June 2024...

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Integrating human rights in local policy making in Bosnia and Herzegovina

17 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

The challenges of local authorities in upholding international human rights standards were discussed at the fourth meeting of the Platform of Exchange on 13 June 2024 in Sarajevo. Organised by the Congress, the meeting brought together more than 40 local elected representatives and public...

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Congress Vice-President calls for more local and regional efforts to implement Agenda 2030 

17 June 2024 Batumi, Georgia

Speaking at the Assembly of European Regions (AER) in Batumi, Georgia, on 13 June 2024, Tunç Soyer, Congress Vice-President and President of the Chamber of Regions, welcomed the partnership and close co-operation between the Congress and AER built over the years, including the mutual contribution...

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Congress Vice-President participates in the Ukraine Recovery Conference

13 June 2024 Berlin, Germany

Congress Vice-President Bernd Vöhringer welcomed the local dimension put forward at the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC 2024) in Berlin on 11-12 June 2024. Organised by the governments of Germany and Ukraine, the Conference brought together heads of state and governments, international...

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Congress launches revision of the Youth Participation Charter

12 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

The Congress’ Committee on Social Inclusion and Human Dignity has launched a survey among key partners as part of the revision of the European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life. The Charter, first adopted in 1992 and last revised in 2003, is the only charter...

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Congress’ Governance Committee debates development of circular economy at local and regional level

11 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

The Committee on Governance, Civic Engagement and the Environment (Governance Committee) of the Congress met for the first time under its new terms of reference on 11 June 2024 in Strasbourg. The Committee approved a report on fostering circular economy in Council of Europe municipalities and...

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