XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum
The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe organised, jointly with the Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC) and international partners from the United States and Canada, the XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum from 18 to 20 June 2019. It brought together more than 400 mayors, members of the AUC from all regions of Ukraine, to share their knowledge and experiences in building inclusive, open and transparent societies.
As part the project “Strengthening democracy and building trust at local level in Ukraine”, implemented by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities in the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine 2018-2021, the Forum’s “Day of the Congress” (19 June 2019) allowed for peer exchanges between Ukrainian local elected representatives, experts and Congress members around three thematic round tables on public ethics, open government and gender equality.
The Forum discussions contributed to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and, in particular, the Sustainable Development Goals 5 (Gender equality), 11 (Sustainable cities and communities), 6 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) and 17 (Partnership for the goals), as well as the 2017 National Baseline Report “Sustainable Development Goals: Ukraine” [English | Ukrainian].
Round Table 1 - Public ethics to address new local challenges
Public ethics and accountability are essential features of good local governance, which ensure that those in public office act in the wider public interest and that decision-making and resource allocation are fair, efficient and effective. It in turn helps to enable a prosperous democracy, economy and society.
Local elected representatives have a crucial role in building trust, through their professionalism, integrity and ability to function in an ethical, transparent and accountable manner. They must act as role models for enhanced public service delivery.
In order to prevent corruption and promote public ethics at local and regional levels, the Congress adopted the European code of conduct for all persons involved in local and regional governance, which provides ethical guidance to elected, appointed and contracted personnel.
The Code of conduct belongs to the “Roadmap of activities for preventing corruption and promoting public ethics at local and regional levels”, adopted by the Congress along with practical guides on the misuse of administrative resources during electoral processes, transparent public procurement, open government, conflict of interest, protection of whistle-blowers and fighting nepotism within local and regional authorities. These reports are published as practical guides, which contain a number of examples that can be used and applied by local elected representatives and public officials.
Round Table 2 - Open local government: a driver for resilient democratic societies
Participatory policymaking, transparency and accountability have become the cornerstones of good democratic governance.
Participatory processes based on co-creation improve the quality of local actions, better tailor public services and ensure the sustainability of open government initiatives. It brings about co-responsibility and shared ownership in the actions of the local government, leading to higher government accountability and increased citizen trust.
Granting citizens’ access to information by opening government data and implementing good records management procedures allow the public to see and understand the workings of their government, thereby underpinning local government transparency.
As the spheres of governance closest to citizens, local and regional authorities need to be involved in the co-creation and implementation of Ukraine’s action plans of the Open Government Partnership (OGP).
In this context, the AUC has undertaken a series of steps to promote the inclusion of local governments into Ukraine’s OGP commitments. The AUC and the Congress will closely co-operate and work towards the inclusion of Ukrainian municipalities into the new OGP Local Programme.
Round Table 3 – Gender equality for inclusive local self-government
Gender equality – the 5th Sustainable Development Goal of the UN 2030 Agenda - is of paramount importance at the local level and an essential component of democratic societies and reaffirmed by the Council of Europe in its Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2023.
The ongoing decentralisation process in Ukraine affords a great opportunity to advance gender equality in the country and mainstream it in the implementation of open government principles. To this end, it is worth noting the importance of establishing common legislative and institutional frameworks (national and local governments should share views for an effective gender mainstreaming) and applying systematic approaches based on gender budgeting and gender impact assessments, which should be supported by the collection of sex-disaggregated data and the provision of training courses on gender equality for local authorities and public officials.
As of today, some fifty Ukrainian municipalities have formally approved the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life - a political document and a practical instrument created by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) aiming to encourage local and regional governments to take the gender dimension fully into account in their policies, their organisation and their practices, while about 26 municipalities have expressed their will to sign it.
* In co-operation with the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) / PLATFORMABooklet on the "Thematic activities" of the Congress, including Gender Equality
Booklets of the collection "Public Ethics"
Conflicts of interest at local and regional levels
Making public procurement transparent at local and regional levels
Transparency and open government
Administrative resources and fair elections
European Code of Conduct for all Persons involved in Local and Regional Governance
Congress Secretariat in Strasbourg
Marité MORAS, Head of Unit, Co-operation and External Relations Department, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
Council of Europe Office in Ukraine
Svitlana GRYSHCHENKO, Project Manager, Council of Europe Office in Ukraine