The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe organised, jointly with the Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC) and international partners from the United States and Canada, the XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum from 18 to 20 June 2019. It brought together more than 400 mayors, members of the AUC from all regions of Ukraine, to share their knowledge and experiences in building inclusive, open and transparent societies.


As part the project “Strengthening democracy and building trust at local level in Ukraine”, implemented by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities in the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine 2018-2021, the Forum’s “Day of the Congress” (19 June 2019) allowed for peer exchanges between Ukrainian local elected representatives, experts and Congress members around three thematic round tables on public ethics, open government and gender equality.


The Forum discussions contributed to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and, in particular, the Sustainable Development Goals 5 (Gender equality), 11 (Sustainable cities and communities), 6 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) and 17 (Partnership for the goals), as well as the 2017 National Baseline Report “Sustainable Development Goals: Ukraine” [English | Ukrainian].

XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum: building inclusive, open and transparent societies

XV Ukrainian municipal forum 18 June 2019 Odesa, Ukraine

The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe organised, jointly with the Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC) and international partners from the United States and Canada, the XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum from 18 to 20 June, in Odesa, Ukraine. It brought together more...

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Ukrainian mayors put the spotlight on the sustainability of local self-government reforms

XV Ukrainian municipal forum 18 June 2019 Odesa, Ukraine

At the occasion of the Day of Dialogue within the XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum held in Odesa, Ukraine, from 18 to 20 June 2019, Congress Secretary General Andreas Kiefer addressed some 400 Ukrainian mayors in a panel discussion on “Reforming local government: expectations of citizens” together...

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Congress Secretary General and Mayor of Kyiv promote Local Democracy Week in Ukraine

XV Ukrainian municipal forum 19 June 2019 Odesa, Ukraine

The European Local Democracy Week (ELDW) was presented to the 400 mayors participating in the XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum, held in Odesa, Ukraine, on 18-19 June. On this occasion, many participants expressed a strong interest for the initiative aimed at bringing citizens together with their...

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Public ethics: a necessary step for enhanced local democracy

XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum 19 June 2019 Odesa, Ukraine

During the round-table on “Public ethics to address new local challenges” held within the XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum on 19 June 2019 in Odesa, participants discussed public ethics and accountability, as the essential features of good local governance for ensuring the wider public interest,...

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Association of Ukrainian Cities launches the discussion on a mid-term strategy

XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum 18 June 2019 Odesa, Ukraine

Strategic orientation, vision and main priorities of the Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC) were discussed by the members of the Management Board as a first step in the elaboration of a mid-term strategy with a view to strengthening the institutional position of the Association. Congress...

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Ukrainian mayors commit to ensuring equal opportunities

XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum 19 June 2019 Odesa, Ukraine

"Gender equality entails equal rights for women and men, as well as the same visibility, empowerment, responsibility and participation, in all spheres of public and private life”, stated Marianne Hollinger (Switzerland, ILDG), member of the Congress, during the session “Gender equality for...

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Ukrainian mayors invest in building trust

XV Ukrainian municipal forum 19 June 2019 Odesa, Ukraine

Put to heads of local government, the question “why do we need openness?” may at first seem simple, but when pursued further, cuts to the heart of key issues facing the ongoing development of open government strategies at the local level in Ukraine. It was with this question that Drago Kos, Chair...

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Ukrainian mayors commit to public ethics, open government and gender equality

XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum 19 June 2019 Odesa, Ukraine

Congress Secretary General Andreas Kiefer opened the “Day of the Congress”, organised jointly with the Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC) within the XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum in Odesa, Ukraine, on 19 June 2019. He underlined the importance of involving local authorities and the AUC in the...

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