Назад "Friends of the Way of St. James in Poland" Association

"Friends of the Way of St. James in Poland" Association / Stowarzyszenie „Przyjaciele Dróg św. Jakuba w Polsce"

Cultural Route
  • Poland
Member Category
  • Tourism Stakeholder
Member Status
Year of Accession to Membership
Contact Details
ul. Legnicka 65
PL-54-206 Wrocław

Tel: +48 785 042 318
Website: www.camino.net.pl
Email: infocamino[at].net.pl
Contact Person
Emil MENDYK (President)
Main Town/Region
Wrocław (Lower Silesia)
Site Town/Region
Main GPS Location
51.126145, 16.982592
Site GPS Location
UNESCO World Heritage List
Historic Centre of Kraków (1978) (whc.unesco.org/en/list/29) / Historic Centre of Warsaw (whc.unesco.org/en/list/30) / Old City of Zamość (1992) (whc.unesco.org/en/list/564) / Medieval Town of Toruń (1997) (whc.unesco.org/en/list/835) / Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: the Mannerist Architectural and Park Landscape Complex and Pilgrimage Park (1999) (whc.unesco.org/en/list/905) / Wooden Churches of Southern Małopolska (2003) (whc.unesco.org/en/list/1053)
European Heritage Label
Union of Lublin (2014) (ec.europa.eu/programmes/creative-europe/actions/heritage-label/sites/union-lublin-poland_en)
Other Heritage Labels
UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List: Gdansk - Town of Memory and Freedom (2005) (whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/530)
“Friends of the Way of St. James in Poland” is a supra-regional association of pilgrims, supporters of the Camino de Santiago and people involved in the revival, organization, information and promotion of the Way of St. James in Poland. In addition to maintaining and promoting the Polish sections of the Way, the association provides information on the Trail and related events.

При поддержке:

Ноймюнстерскоеаббатство,  Люксембург