Назад Association of the Friends of the Blast Furnace Radwerk IV in Vordernberg”

Association of the Friends of the Blast Furnace Radwerk IV in Vordernberg” / Verein „Freunde des Radwerkes IV in Vordernberg“

Cultural Route
  • European Route of Industrial Heritage
  • Austria
Member Category
  • Cultural Institution / NGO
  • Museum
  • Heritage Site
Member Status
Year of Accession to Membership
Contact Details
Beethovengasse 11
AT-8700 Leoben

Tel: n.d.
Website: www.radwerk-vordernberg.at
Email: guenther.kolb[at]outlook.com

Hochofenmuseum Radwerk IV (Blast Furnace Museum Radwerk IV)
Peter-Tunner-Straße 2
AT-8794 Vordernberg

Tel: + 43 0664 734 91 994
Website: www.radwerk-vordernberg.at
Email: museum[at]radwerk-vordernberg.at
Contact Person
Main Town/Region
Leoben (Styria)
Site Town/Region
Vordernberg (Styria)
Main GPS Location
47.373324, 15.096957
Site GPS Location
47.488634, 14.994613
UNESCO World Heritage List
European Heritage Label
Other Heritage Labels
Radwerk IV is a former blast furnace dating back to 1846. It is now a museum displaying the methods of furnace smelting. In addition to the main building of the Radwerk IV, the Association of the Friends of the Blast Furnace Radwerk IV in Vordernberg owns the Schmelzerhausa and the kiln of the Radwerk III.
The Blast Furnace Museum Radwerk IV is an Individual of the European Route of Industrial Heritage.

При поддержке:

Ноймюнстерскоеаббатство,  Люксембург