Назад Coal Mining Museum in Zabrze

Coal Mining Museum in Zabrze / Muzeum Górnictwa Węglowego w Zabrzu

Cultural Route
  • European Route of Industrial Heritage
  • Poland
Member Category
  • Cultural Institution / NGO
  • Museum
  • Heritage Site
Member Status
Year of Accession to Membership
Contact Details
ul. Georgiusa Agricoli 2
PL-41-800 Zabrze

Tel: +48 32 630 30 91
Website: www.muzeumgornictwa.pl
Email: biuro[at]muzeumgornictwa.pl

Kopalnia Guido (Guido Coal Mine)
ul. 3 Maja 93
PL-41-800 Zabrze

Tel: +48 32 271 40 77
Website: www.kopalniaguido.pl
Email: biuro[at]muzeumgornictwa.pl

Sztolnia Królowa Luiza (“Queen Louise” Adit)
ul. Wolności 410
PL-41-800 Zabrze

Tel: +48 32 370 11 27
Website: www.sztolnialuiza.pl
Email: biuro[at]muzeumgornictwa.pl
Contact Person
Main Town/Region
Zabrze (Silesia)
Site Town/Region
Zabrze (Silesia)
Main GPS Location
50.291132, 18.797432
Site GPS Location
50.289567, 18.791745 / 50.296773, 18.806827
UNESCO World Heritage List
European Heritage Label
Other Heritage Labels
The Coal Mining Museum in Zabrze is a cultural institution of the City of Zabrze co-run by the Local Government of the Silesian Voivodeship. It manages the Guido Coal Mine and the “Queen Louise” Adit.
The Guido Coal Mine was set up in 1855 and it is today the deepest show mine in Europe, with a depth of 320 metres. A particular attraction are the underground concerts and theatre shows.
The “Queen Louis” Adit is a show mine with, among other things, spacious passages with brick vaults, the reconstruction of an underground coal port, a gallery drilled entirely in a coal deposit, which is unique in Europe, and 20th century mining machinery in operation.
The Guido Coal Mine and the “Queen Louise” Adit are Anchors Point of the European Route of Industrial Heritage.

При поддержке:

Ноймюнстерскоеаббатство,  Люксембург