Назад Royal Castle in Warsaw

Royal Castle in Warsaw / Zamek Królewski w Warszawie

Cultural Route
  • European Route of Historic Gardens
  • Poland
Member Category
  • Cultural Institution / NGO
  • Heritage Site
Member Status
Year of Accession to Membership
Contact Details
plac Zamkowy 4
PL-00-277 Warszawa

Tel: +48 22 35 55 170
Website: www.zamek-krolewski.pl
Email: informacja[at]zamek-krolewski.pl
Contact Person
Monika DRĄG (Manager for Landscape Architecture and Gardens)
Main Town/Region
Warsaw (Masovia)
Site Town/Region
Warsaw (Masovia)
Main GPS Location
52.2477757, 21.014181
Site GPS Location
52.2477757, 21.014181
UNESCO World Heritage List
Historic Centre of Warsaw (1980) (whc.unesco.org/en/list/30)
European Heritage Label
Other Heritage Labels
Former residence of the kings of Poland and the seat of the Seym, the Castle of Warsaw is today a museum, an education center, and a venue for state and international celebrations under the Ministry of Cultural and National Heritage. Demolished in 1944, the castle was rebuilt from scratch in 1971-1984, mainly from social contributions. The gardens of the Royal Castle cover a total of over 2 hectares and consist of two basic elements: the Upper Garden located closer to the residence on the roof of Kubicki Arcades and the Lower Garden located below the castle slope, on the foreland of the Vistula River. The Upper and Lower Gardens were recreated respectively in 2015 and 2019, thus marking the complete reconstruction of the castle complex (www.europeanhistoricgardens.eu/en/portfolio-item/gardens-of-the-royal-castle-in-warsaw).
The Royal Castle in Warsaw is also member of the Network of the European Royal Residences.

При поддержке:

Ноймюнстерскоеаббатство,  Люксембург