“Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certified in 2021


Alvar Aalto (1898-1976) was a pioneer of modern architecture and design, who enjoyed an exceptionally rich and varied career. His works cover 6 decades and include over 200 existing buildings in Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Iceland and USA. Alvar Aalto Route – 20th Century Architecture and Design offers sites and sensations amidst the architectural landmarks of the renowned architect.

Alvar Aalto Route invites visitors not only to experience his architecture as a total work of art, but also to enjoy fascinating nature attractions, delicious food, local services and the cultural identity of the destinations crossed by the route.



The international influence of Alvar Aalto’s works in his own time and posthumously is outstanding. His works influenced international building standards and construction principles. Design solutions for housing became symbols of new modern living, which improved the quality of everyday life and promoted equal housing for everyone. Alvar Aalto’s public architecture included town plans, libraries, theaters, cultural centres and educational buildings for cities, communities and organisations. The iconic designs in light fittings and glassware and the innovative use of wood in furniture are still source of inspiration for today’s designers.


Travelling today

The Alvar Aalto Route brings together more than 50 sites in 5 countries. Among the most renowned of Aalto's creations are the Lappia Hall in Rovaniemi (Finland), the Vyborg Library in Russia, the Villa Tammekann in Estonia, the Hansaviertel in Berlin, the cultural centre in Wolfsburg in Germany and the Riola Church in Italy. The route covers nearly 11,000 km and also include sites in Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland as well as the Maison Louis Carré near Paris (France). The outermost point of the route is the Culture House in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Photo Credits: ©Kiev.Victor/Shutterstock

Council of Europe values 

Alvar Aalto’s human approach to architecture and design is in accordance with the central values of the Council of Europe. His architecture is not an expression of individual genius, but part of a European effort to improve the living conditions and environment of its citizens. The architect’s cosmopolitan life and thinking created a language of design that resonates even today and speaks of the ability of his architecture and design to contribute to the well-being, equality and peaceful living in societies, as well as the quality of their built landscapes.


Cultural Route on Aalto's Architecture and Design Heritage Association
c/o Alvar Aalto Foundation
Tiilimäki 20
FI-00330 Helsinki (FINLAND)
Tel: +358 40 550 9992

Johanna RINTAMÄKI, President
Maija OINONEN, Manager

Official website

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