Назад Destination Napoleon: 2020 General Assembly online

Destination Napoleon: 2020 General Assembly online

On 26 November 2020, the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities held its General Assembly, due to the Covid-19 pandemic the assembly was held as an online conference. Destination Napoleon has been awarded the certification “Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe” in 2015 and has been an active member of the Cultural Routes programme since then.

The conference was opened by Mr. Charles BONAPARTE, President of the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities, Mr. Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) and Director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes, and Jacques-Olivier BOUDON, Chairman of the Scientific Committee.

During the conference new members of the association were introduced and the projects carried out in 2020 were presented, including a new website, a European Network of Museums, contributions to the Expo Europeana and Virtual Expos Platform and the OuRoute Erasmus + project.

Destination Napoleon keeps European heritage alive through numerous activities in the fields of arts, science, tourism and education and connects 50 cities in 10 European countries. In 2021 the death of Napoleon Bonaparte will have its 200th anniversary. The network is planning numerous celebrations in the year of this bicentenary.

Find out more about the Cultural Route on their official website.

A video of the General Assembly held in French is available on the networks Facebook page.

26 NOVEMBER 2020
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