Назад Results of the 2023-2024 certification cycle: 7 routes recertified, 1 route decertified and 2 routes under exceptional evaluation

Results of the 2023-2024 certification cycle: 7 routes recertified, 1 route decertified and 2 routes under exceptional evaluation

At the annual meeting of the Governing Board of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA), which was held on 21-22 May 2024 in Luxembourg, 9 Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe were under regular evaluation in the framework of the 2023-2024 certification cycle.


The Governing Board of the EPA has renewed the certification of 7 Cultural Routes.

The Secretariat would like to congratulate all the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe whose certification was renewed in 2024:


During the 2023-2024 certification cycle, the Routes of Reformation were subject to an exceptional evaluation. At its meeting on 21 and 22 May 2024, the EPA Governing Board examined the route with the purpose of deciding on the renewal of their certification as "Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe". In view of the lack of compliance with the certification criteria stated in Resolution CM/Res(2023)2, the EPA Governing Board decided to withdraw its certification.


After being awarded certification, Cultural Routes are regularly required to submit a report enabling the EPA Governing Board to evaluate their activities in order to ascertain whether they continue to satisfy the eligibility criteria for themes, list of priority fields of action, list of criteria for networks as well as visibility criteria as established in the Committee of Ministers Resolution CM/Res(2023)2. Networks whose evaluation results are not satisfactory must undergo an exceptional evaluation.

Two Cultural Routes will undergo an exceptional evaluation during the 2024-2025 certification cycle:

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