Evaluation of networks having received the "Council of Europe Cultural Route" certification 

Every five years, certified Cultural Routes are required to submit a report enabling the Governing Board of the EPA to evaluate their activities in order to ascertain whether they continue to satisfy with the list of eligibility criteria for themes, list of priority fields of action, list of criteria for networks as well as visilibity criteria in compliance with the requirements of Resolution CM/Res(2023)2. 

The reports submitted shall be assessed by the Secretariat who may decide to request the opinion of experts chosen in accordance with the procedure laid out in the EPA Rules of Procedure. 

Selected experts will draft an evaluation report on the basis of the documentary analysis and a fact-finding visit conducted along the Cultural Route.  

The Secretariat prepares recommendations for examination by the Bureau, which in turn makes a recommendation to the Governing Board. If the Governing Board finds compliance with Resolution CM/Res(2023)2 unsatisfactory, it issues a recommendation to the route in order to ensure this compliance. 


Exceptional Evaluation of networks responsible for projects having received the "Council of Europe Cultural Route" certification 

Following the meeting of the EPA Governing Board, the Executive Secretary of the EPA informs in writing Cultural Routes undergoing evaluation of the decision of the Governing Board. Cultural Routes whose performance has been found unsatisfactory are requested to submit a new report by 31 December of the calendar year (Evaluation Cycle Year +1) on their organisation, functioning and activities in compliance with the requirements of the Committee of Ministers Resolution CM/Res(2023)2. 

An independent expert will be appointed for a desk review of the submitted documentation and a field visit along the route. The independent expert is in charge of the preparation of an evaluation report on the compliance of the Route with the certification criteria. 

Following the second evaluation report, if the EPA Governing Board finds the performance of the network unsatisfactory, it may decide to withdraw the certification. In case the representative of the relevant intergovernmental committee is of the opinion that the certification should not be withdrawn, a report will be submitted to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe which will take the final decision on the withdrawal of the "Cultural Route of the Council of Europe" certification.