Назад 2016 Exchange on the religious dimension of intercultural dialogue

2016 Exchange on the religious dimension of intercultural dialogue

The role of education in the prevention of radicalisation leading to terrorism and violent extremism was the main theme at the 2016 Council of Europe Exchange on the religious dimension of intercultural dialogue.

The Exchange provides a platform for dialogue between public authorities, religious communities and organisations representing non-religious beliefs, and broader civil society on topics of particular importance to the religious dimension of intercultural dialogue.

The 9th edition of the Exchange addressed the following two sub-themes: Education for democratic citizenship in the context of cultural and religious diversity; and Empowering women and the role of the family in countering radicalisation and violent extremism.

The event gathered senior delegates of religious communities (Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Muslims), representatives of non-religious convictions, interreligious groups, NGOs, youth delegates, experts, academics, as well as mainstream media professionals and international organisations' officials.

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Strasbourg (France) 07 novembre 2016
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The Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (EDC/HRE) programme is related to the work of the Education Department which is part of the Directorate of Democratic Participation within the Directorate General of Democracy ("DGII") of the Council of Europe.

Learning to Live Together - A Conference on the Future of Citizenship and Human Rights Education in Europe

Over 400 representatives of governments, education institutions and civil society organisations debated the future of citizenship and human rights education in Europe at a conference in Strasbourg on 20-22 June 2017. Participants discussed current challenges and opportunities in this area, shared examples of good practices and lessons learned, and proposed recommendations for future action, including specific criteria and mechanisms for evaluation of progress, in particular in the framework of the Council of Europe Charter on education for democratic citizenship and human rights.  The conclusions of the  Report on the State of Citizenship and Human Rights Education in Europe provided the basis for discussion during the event.

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Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education

Education plays an essential role in the promotion of the core values of the Council of Europe: democracy, human rights and the rule of law, as well as in the prevention of human rights violations.

More generally, education is increasingly seen as a defense against the rise of violence, racism, extremism, xenophobia, discrimination and intolerance.

This growing awareness is reflected in the adoption of the Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education by the Organisation’s 47 member states in the framework of Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)7.

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Charter for All


Democracy and Human Rights Start with Us – Charter for All explains the Council of Europe Charter on Citizenship and Human Rights Education in a fun and friendly way. This publication includes a brochure for children, guidelines for educators and a poster.

An exhibition “Democracy and Human Rights start with Us” highlights the key messages of the “Charter for All”.

Five filmed animations reflect children’s perception of democracy and human rights in school and aim to translate in a humorous way some of the key principles of the Council of Europe Charter

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Teaching ECHR caselaw at school

The video on corporal punishment at school (Campbell and Cosans v. the United Kingdom) is now available in English, French and Russian.