Назад Escalation of violence in the Middle East: PACE holds current affairs debate

Escalation of violence in the Middle East: PACE holds current affairs debate

“Nothing can justify the atrocities committed by Hamas and there can be no ambiguity on this point,” today said Piero Fassino (Italy, SOC), at the opening of a current affairs debate on “Escalation of violence in the Middle East following the recent Hamas attack on Israel”. He expressed his full solidarity with Israel and the families of the victims.

“Everything must be done to block Hamas’ aggression and obtain the release of the hostages,” said Mr Fassino, emphasising “the suicidal nature” of this war. While recognising Israel's right to defend itself, he called on the Israeli authorities “not to make the Palestinian people pay for the actions of Hamas, and to ensure that they receive essential goods for daily life”.

“We cannot give up. The international community has the responsibility to relaunch a political and diplomatic initiative paving the way for a negotiated solution – the only one that can guarantee peace – by abandoning any wait-and-see attitude,” Mr Fassino concluded.

Piero Fassino is PACE rapporteur on the situation in the Middle East.

21 speakers took the floor during the debate. No report is prepared for a current affairs debate and no text is adopted.

 Video of the debate

 Mediabox interview

Parliamentary Assembly session Strasbourg 12 October 2023
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