11 июл 2024

Launch of Spanish version of the HELP course on child-friendly justice (2023)

Barcelona (Spain)
Event Information

A new Spanish version of the HELP course on child-friendly justice (2023) will be launched at the Judicial School of the General Council of the Judiciary of Spain. This new version has been adapted to the Spanish context in the framework of the EU/CoE Joint Project “Strengthening child-friendly justice through effective co-operation and coordination among different Barnahus-type services in the regions of Spain” for different professionals working for and with children, particularly for judges, prosecutors and lawyers, and for the staff working at Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine Institutes.

The course provides information on the most important instruments at international and European level on child-friendly justice, and their application in practice across Europe and beyond. Initially developed in 2017, it was updated in 2023 under the Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) Programme of the Council of Europe in close cooperation with the Council of Europe Children’s Rights Division and the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA).

Following the launching event, a study visit to different Barnahus Units will take place.



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