Назад Victims of crime: Committee of Ministers recommendation aims to ensure their access to justice

Victims of crime: Committee of Ministers recommendation aims to ensure their access to justice

The Committee of Ministers has issued a Recommendation to the 46 Council of Europe member states providing legal and policy guidance on rights, services, and support for victims of crime.

The recommendation calls upon member states to actively seek out and remove any barriers in the access to justice for victims of crime.

It introduces the principle that victims of crimes should have the right to be heard concerning any decision having a considerable impact on their interests and a right to remedy that aims to support their rights in cases where they are not enforced.

The recommendation calls for victims of crime to be supported in accessing their rights and services, and to be recognised and treated with respect, professionalism and non-discrimination. States should take into account that victims of crime may also have a range of needs that require individual recognition to receive the appropriate information, support and protection.

The recommendation updates and replaces a Recommendation issued in 2006. It provides more detailed guidance on the development and implementation of victims’ rights in national legislation and practice.

 Explanatory memorandum to Recommendation CM/Rec(2023)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on rights, services and support for victims of crime

Committee of Ministers Strasbourg 16 March 2023
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