Назад Recent ECtHR case-law on expulsion

Recent ECtHR case-law on expulsion

On 23 August the European Court of Human Rights handed down a Grand Chamber judgment in J.K. and Others v. Sweden. The case concerned three Iraqi nationals who had been refused asylum in Sweden and whose deportation to Iraq had been ordered. The Court found that substantial grounds had been shown for believing that the applicants would run a real risk of treatment contrary to Article 3 (prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment) of the European Convention on Human Rights if returned to Iraq and held that there would be a violation of Article 3 if the order for the applicants’ deportation to Iraq were to be implemented.


On 21 September the Grand Chamber ruled on the application in Khan v. Germany, which concerned an expulsion order against a Pakistani national who had committed murder in Germany in a state of mental incapacity. The Court ordered that the case be struck out of the Court’s list of cases after receiving assurances from the German authorities that the expulsion order complained of would not be enforced.

European Court of Human Rights
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