Europe Explained

The Council of Europe is working to improve the lives of 700 million people by reducing discrimination, upholding human rights and protecting democracy. In the Europe Explained podcast we talk to the experts on the front line, to get an in-depth analysis of the key issues affecting our everyday lives.

13 episodes

Exploring Europe’s treasures: the European Heritage Days

3min56 19 september 2024

In this episode, we celebrate the European Heritage Days, a unique event that opens doors to Europe’s cultural and historical landmarks. From Sweden to Cyprus, these days offer access to hidden gems that are usually closed to the public, thereby showcasing Europe’s rich and diverse heritage.

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Protecting our natural heritage: the work of the Bern Convention

4min21 12 september 2024

In this episode, Cathie Burton delves into the Bern Convention, a key agreement for the conservation of wildlife and natural habitats in Europe. Follow her on this journey and learn how this convention has been safeguarding biodiversity consistently since 1979, amidst modern challenges.

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Getting more women to become referees

14min 14 March 2024

In this podcast Cathie Burton explores the challenges facing female referees in football and other sports. Her guests are Patricia Campos, a successful football player, coach and referee, and Tom Webb, a university professor specialising in sport officiating.

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Stopping SLAPPS: the fight against legal intimidation of journalists

20min 6 March 2024

In this episode of the podcast, Cathie Burton discusses how free speech in Europe is under threat from the rich and powerful, who use the courts to discourage journalists from exposing wrongdoing. Her guests are investigative journalist Matthew Caruana Galizia, Sarah Clarke from the NGO Article...

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Ukraine - two years after the start of Russia's invasion

15min 23 February 2024

In this episode of the podcast, Païvi Suhonen talks to Ukraine's Ambassador to the Council of Europe, Borys Tarasyuk, about how the organisation has supported his country in the wake of the Russian invasion, and what it can do to help Ukraine in the future.

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Grassroots action – how civil society can boost the Council of Europe’s work

10min 19 October 2023

In this episode of the podcast, Cathie Burton speaks to Mary Ann Hennessey, leader of the team that deals with civil society within the Council of Europe. Cathie asks what the civil society team does and how their priorities relate to the Council of Europe. They explore the role of soft power and...

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Sport – free, fair and rights-based

17min 19 October 2023

In this episode of the podcast, Cathie Burton talks to Sophie Kwasny about how sport connects to the values of the Council of Europe, the long story of how the Council became involved in sport, how we protect spectators and athletes and how we maintain its magic.

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Human rights lawyers of the future – inspiration and enthusiasm

12min 19 October 2023

In this episode of the podcast, Cathie Burton speaks with young lawyers in Strasbourg for the ELSA moot court competition about what inspires them. The group discusses why they wanted to be part of the competition, why it inspires them, and how they see the future of international law.

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Cybercrime – the essential partnerships that stop cybercriminals in their tracks

14min 19 October 2023

In this episode of the podcast, Cathie Burton speaks to Alexander Seger, the head of the Council of Europe’s Cybercrime Division, Aisling Kelly, from Microsoft, and Jean-Christophe Le Toquin from INHOPE. The four discuss the cooperation between the public and private sector to fight cybercrime

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Cybercrime – backing the crimebusters

18min 19 October 2023

In this episode of the podcast, Cathie Burton talks to Alexander Seger. They discuss electronic evidence and how it relates to the Council of Europe. Seger speaks on the effects of The Cloud on collecting evidence, how law enforcement deals with these effects, and the role of service providers....

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