Assessing the credibility of health information is a major challenge. Health literacy and clear communications from trusted sources support access to valid information.

Späť Teaching digital education and literacy via cross-cutting themes addressed across various subjects – Germany

 Aim and objectives:

Based on the German education sector’s strategy, all schools should prepare pupils for digital transformation. On the state level, digital education and digital literacy strategies translates into the media literacy competence framework and curriculum. 

 Target group:

School pupils


Digital education and digital literacy serve as cross-cutting themes that should be addressed across subjects from grades 1-13. Along with learning using digital tools, communicating in digital spaces, data protection and ethics, pupils are taught to develop a critical stance, and to seek, compare and analyse information from various sources. 


Using health as a subject within a competence framework and curriculum makes it possible to address health literacy and at the same time saves resources.

 Added value:

Education in schools reaches all school-aged children. Health literacy as part of the school curricula, including media and digital literacy, is a promising strategy to support all young people in acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to access valid health information, relevant for their health and wellbeing.

 Teaching digital education and literacy via cross-cutting themes addressed across various subjects – Germany

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