Späť Paris 2024: Commissioner O’Flaherty engages with the host city and civil society actors about the human rights impact of the Olympic Games

©Michel Hincker

©Michel Hincker

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Michael O’Flaherty, visited Paris today to meet with the City of Paris, the French National Consultative Human Rights Commission (CNCDH) and civil society actors to discuss ways to ensure that the Games will strengthen human rights protection and how to mitigate their impact for vulnerable groups, such as the homeless. 

“The organisation of the Olympic Games is an astonishing human achievement and the goal of contributing to building a peaceful and better world through sport, practiced without discrimination of any kind - which is at the heart of Olympism - must be reflected before, during and after the Olympics Games. No one should be left behind”, he stressed.

Engaging with the Deputy Mayor in charge of human rights and the fight against discrimination, Jean-Luc Roméro-Michel, the Commissioner underlined the important role of cities in reinforcing human rights locally. He commented, “I am impressed by what I was told about the human rights initiatives of the City authorities”.  He met representatives of the NGO coalition Le revers de la médaille, who aim to monitor the allegations of human rights abuses before, during and after the Olympic and Paralympic Games. He signalled the importance - for the honouring of human dignity - of civil society efforts to ensure that the needs of affected groups, such as displaced and the homeless people, are addressed.

Commissioner O’Flaherty acknowledged the human rights work of the City of Paris in supporting human rights defenders, asylum seekers, journalists and artists at risk, and encouraged the City to trigger greater urban human rights leadership internationally. 

He heard the concerns raised by the President of the French National Consultative Human Rights Commission (CNCDH), Jean-Marie Burguburu and its Secretary General, Magali Lafourcade about the Olympics law, including on surveillance issues and explored ways of working together, particularly to combat the rise of antisemitism and anti-Muslim hatred.

While in Paris, the Commissioner also met with Michel Forst, the Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders (Aarhus Convention), to discussed their extensive potential for cooperation.  

During his mission, the Commissioner met with Jean-Luc Roméro-Michel, Deputy Mayor in charge of human rights and the fight against discrimination; Jean-Marie Burguburu, President of the French National Consultative Human Rights Commission (CNCDH), Magali Lafourcade, its Secretary General and Thomas Dumortier, legal adviser; Michel Forst, the Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders (Aarhus Convention). He also met with Antoine de Clerck, the coordinator of the Coalition Le revers de la médaille and some its members, Anthony Ikni, Delegate General of the NGO Romeurope, Oriane Sebillotte of the NGO Paris d'Exil and Houssam El Assimi of the NGO Islamic Relief France. 

Paris 21/06/2024
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