Nazaj Lanzarote Committee adopts an opinion on limitation periods in respect of sexual offences against children

42nd plenary meeting of the Lanzarote Committee

42nd plenary meeting of the Lanzarote Committee

At its 42nd plenary meeting (11-13 June 2024), the Lanzarote Committee (Committee of Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse) adopted an opinion to clarify the interpretation of the Lanzarote Convention in respect of limitation periods for sexual offences against children and to strengthen the implementation of the relevant provision.

The Committee held that Article 33 of the Lanzarote Convention did not require limitation periods to be put in place where there are none. It also specified that limitation periods must not run out before the victim has reached the age of majority and that the limitation periods for offences committed by family members and other persons in a child victim’s circle of trust must not be shorter than limitation periods applicable to offences committed by other offenders. The Committee agreed that the abolition of limitation periods, while not explicitly required by the Lanzarote Convention, was an effective way to ensure there is sufficient time to initiate proceedings. It listed additional ways to effectively implement Article 33 (including extension of the length of limitation periods or postponement of their ending or starting point) and encouraged State Parties to pay particular attention to specific policy measures.

Additionally, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Portugal shared with the Committee their experiences in conducting child consultations on questions relevant to the ongoing third monitoring round on the protection of children against sexual abuse in the circle of trust. The child consultation report from Bosnia and Herzegovina is available on the Committee’s website.

Finally, the Committee decided to grant the observer status to the civil society organisation Protect Children.

 List of decisions

Strasbourg 24 June 2924
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