Nazaj National and regional representatives meet to discuss the different Barnahus-type services existing in Spain

National and regional representatives meet to discuss the different Barnahus-type services existing in Spain

The first Barnahus in Spain was inaugurated in Tarragona on 29 March 2023, after being in operation since 2020 as a pilot experience. With the aim of disseminating the implementation of the model in Catalonia and fostering the exchange of good regional practices on different Barnahus-type services existing in the territories of Spain, a working meeting and study visit on 4 July in Tarragona was organised in the framework of the “Barnahus Spain” project. Being the first meeting with the autonomous regions on the Barnahus model, it was attended by more than 40 participants, including representatives of the Project’s Advisory Group, Public Prosecutor's Office, 14 different autonomous territories (out of the 19 that constitute Spain) and Save the Children Spain.

The working meeting started with the presentation of the “Barnahus Spain” project by Mireya García de Murcia, Council of Europe Project Manager and by Lucía Losoviz Adani, Director General for Children's and Adolescents' Rights of the Spanish Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030. The new Council of Europe video "Barnahus in Iceland", with Spanish subtitles, was screened.

Emilie Rivas, Barnahus Manager at Save the Children, then presented the draft “mapping study” prepared in the framework of the project. This report aims to analyse the legal and policy situation at national and regional level regarding the protection of children from sexual violence and the different Barnahus-type services existing in each of the 17 Autonomous Communities and the 2 Autonomous Cities.

On the basis of this report, the Autonomous Communities which are most advanced in the implementation of the Barnahus model - Andalusia, Cantabria, Extremadura, Balearic Islands (Consell de Ibiza), Canary Islands, Madrid, Comunidad Foral de Navarra and Basque Country - presented their regional mapping analysis, including good practices in relation to the Barnahus-type services available on their territories, recommendations and a roadmap for their implementation. Presentations were followed by fruitful discussions of the difficulties encountered during the implementation process and potential solutions

Finally, Ester Cabanes, General Director of Child and Adolescent Care in Catalonia and María José Osuna, Chief Prosecutor of Tarragona, introduced the Barnahus experience in Tarragona, including current good practices, challenges faced and results obtained.  Finally, a study visit to the Barnahus Unit in Tarragona took place.

The final version of the mapping study - which will include the conclusions of this meeting - as well as a report on the training needs of the pilot regions (Cantabria, Extremadura and Navarra) - currently under preparation - will be officially presented at an event to be held in October 2023.

 "Barnahus in Iceland" video with Spanish subtitles (short version)

 "Barnahus in Iceland" video with Spanish subtitles (long version)

Tarragona 13 July 2023
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