Nazaj Protection and future of migrant children: a challenge for Europe

Protection and future of migrant children: a challenge for Europe

Concerned about the situation of migrant children within Europe, in particular with regard to the exceedingly worrying situation noted by various institutions of defenders of children’s rights in their respective countries, the French Defender of Human Rights is organising in Paris, on 28 June, a meeting of Ombudspersons, mediators and European defenders of children's rights, as well as any other concerned European stakeholders.

One of the Council of Europe’s priorities, as part of its Strategy for the Rights of the Child,  is to support the action of Children's Rights Defenders in its 47 member States.

This is why the Council of Europe actively supports and will be participating in this event, the aim of which is to draw up a state of play of the migratory situation in Europe and to share best practices for the reception and protection of migrant children.

The first round table will focus on the immediate protection conditions provided to migrant children, in particular, those faced by trafficking in human beings or at risk of detention. Exchanges during the second round table will question the manner in which legal procedures concerning migration can be made more efficient (humanitarian visas, family reunion ...).


Follow the conference live on Tuesday 28 June at 9:30: and on Twitter #enfantsmigrants
Paris 28 June 2016
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