Child participation

Inspired by Article 12 of the UN Convention for the Rights of the Child, we believe that every child has a right to be heard. Children are all too often sidelined from matters that concern them directly. They should be given the means, space, opportunity and support to participate in the design and implementation of measures, policies, programmes or other initiatives aimed at ensuring their well-being and providing them with the best opportunities.


That is why we continue to involve children directly in all our activities and events.

At the Mid-term evaluation conference this year, 13 children from 10 different member States were invited to participate. The children for this group were selected based on their interest in advocacy work and/or their expertise in specific areas discussed. The children played a vital and active role throughout the conference including speaking under different sessions and exchanging with the delegates.


 Child safeguarding policy

 Children's Report - Mid-term evaluation Conference, 13-14 November