What is the project ?

The European Union/Council of Europe Joint Project “CP4EUROPE - Strengthening National Child Participation Frameworks and Action in Europe” aimed to contribute to the promotion of children’s rights to participation at national and pan-European levels in accordance with Council of Europe standards and tools in this area. 

These include in particular the Council of Europe Child Participation Assessment Tool (CPAT) which has already been used in 10 countries and the Handbook on children’s participation for professionals working with and for children. The main expected impact of the project was that children across Europe find multiple and innovative opportunities to participate in decision-making processes through stronger child participation mechanisms.

It was implemented over 27 months (01 April 2021 - 30 June 2023) in 5 partner countries: the Czech Republic, Finland, Iceland, Portugal, and Slovenia, and at the European level. Deliverables at the national level included assessments of national mechanisms, the development of model national strategies, handbooks, checklists and training materials aimed at building capacities on collective and individual child participation. All partners of the project supported the establishment of a “Child participation leadership network”, to benefit from mutual peer support to address the challenges of child participation in various challenges.

 Project news

Nazaj The 1st Steering Committee meeting concludes the project's inception phase

1st Steering Committee meeting

1st Steering Committee meeting

The project's inception phase was concluded by the first Steering Committee Meeting on 30 June 2021. The meeting was chaired by the  Children’s Rights Division of the Council of Europe in the presence of the members representing the 5 project partner countries.

The Steering Committee members reveiwed the programming documents and approved the workplan of activities that would be undertaken at national and European levels from September onwards: webinars, kick-off seminars in partner countries, consultations with children and relevant professionals in Action Group 1 countries (Czech Republic, Iceland and Portugal), etc.

CP4EUROPE 30 June 2021
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 What is child participation?

Child participation is a key right!

Child participation means that children, any person under the age of 18 years old, individually or in groups, have the right, the means, the space, the opportunity and, where necessary, the support to freely express their views, to be heard and to contribute to decision making on matters affecting them. Their views should be given due weight in accordance with their age and maturity.

Child participation is an opportunity to listen to children, to take into account their views and opinions and to involve and engage them in the processes that lead to decisions that affect them.

Read more about the work of the Council of Europe on child participation and discover the tools you can use to better understand what it is all about!

 What do we want to achieve?

 Who do we work with?

  • The National Commission for the Promotion of the Rights and Protection of Children and Young People of Portugal
  • The Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities



  • The Ministry of Justice of Finland
  • The Ministry of Social Affairs of Iceland
  • The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic

 Who will benefit from the project?

The project targeted national and local authorities, civil organisations as well as professionals who are in direct contact with children and/or deal with decisions that can affect children.

Ultimately, the project benefitted all children, so that they are sufficiently equipped and protected to be heard and to participate effectively in decision-making mechanisms and processes at national and local levels.

 Video on CPAT (Child-friendly version)


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