What is the project?

The European Union-Council of Europe Joint Project “Ensuring the best interests of the child in civil court proceedings in Slovenia” aims to improve the protection of children’s rights in civil court proceedings in Slovenia through ensuring the best interests of the child.  Implementation of the Project contributes to the ongoing reform in Slovenia on upholding the rights of the child and becoming a pioneer country spreading excellence in child-friendly justice in all EU Member States.

While Slovenia has made big steps forward for the protection of the rights of the child in criminal law proceedings, significant improvements are still needed to uphold the rights of the child in the area of civil law, particularly as regards delays in family law proceedings involving children. According to the Slovenian Supreme Court report, the main two challenges to overcome these delays are:

  • The lack of court experts in clinical psychology, who are the most appointed experts in family law proceedings.
  • The excessive use of legal instruments, as the law is often ineffective during the process and there is lack of systemic approach.

The project is co-funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument, and co-funded and implemented by the Council of Europe’s Children's Rights Division in close co-operation with the Slovenian Ministry of Justice and DG REFORM from 1 September 2023 to 28 February 2026.

  Project news

 What do we aim to achieve?

 Who do we work with?

The participation of representatives of the relevant bodies and institutions is foreseen. Civil society organisations and academia will also be involved in Project activities and will contribute to identifying existing shortcomings of the justice system for children in Slovenia and formulating concrete potential solutions.

 Who will benefit from the project?

The Project targets relevant authorities and legal and non-legal professionals dealing with civil law proceedings involving children including judges, magistrates, court experts and representatives of the Ministry of Justice. They will benefit directly from the Project through reports, analysis and tools on how to modify the legal framework, as well as capacity building activities.

The final beneficiaries of the Project are children involved in civil law proceedings, who will eventually benefit from improved access to justice, more effective state response and more child-centred and child-friendly practices during civil proceedings.

The Slovenian society as a whole will ultimately benefit from the Project with the wider public reached through awareness-raising and promotional activities.

 Project documents

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