Nazaj Calais: Commissioner Hammarberg discusses migration and asylum policies with the French government

Strasbourg, 20.05.2010 - At the conclusion of a two-day visit to Calais and the surrounding area as well as to Paris, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, called on the French authorities to ensure the effective respect of the rights of migrants, and in particular their right to dignity.

During his visit to Calais, Commissioner Hammarberg met the mayor, the prefect and representatives of the local civil society. He also visited places where migrants live and held discussions with them. In Paris, the Commissioner met NGOs and national institutions for the protection of human rights. He also held a meeting with the Minister of immigration, integration, national identity and solidary development, Eric Besson.

The situation prevailing in Calais is difficult and the Commissioner noted the efforts made by the authorities. Nevertheless, the problems are not solved and remain worrisome. Already weakened by the trauma of their journey, migrants are subject to police pressure intended to move them away from Calais. They told the Commissioner that they are being continuously and systematically harassed.

Migrants who previously gathered in Calais are now spread out along the coastline. However, this does not seem to have weakened the grip of smugglers.

The Commissioner is particularly concerned about the situation of unaccompanied foreign minors. "Each minor should be lodged in an adapted center and benefit from the protection of a legal guardian. It is unacceptable that migrant children wander the streets, left to their own devices" he said.

In the town of Calais, substantial investments have been made to improve certain gathering places. The work of civil society makes it possible to humanise the living conditions of the most vulnerable migrants.

The Commissioner welcomes the establishment in Calais of an Office intended to receive asylum requests and underlines the commitment of Minister Besson to keep it open.

During his discussions with Minister Besson, Commissioner Hammarberg expressed his concerns about the complex situations that can be generated by European rules on asylum, in particular the so-called Dublin II Regulation. Referring to evidence gathered in Calais and also in other parts of Europe, he affirmed that "European States should better share the responsibility of examining asylum requests". The Commissioner called on the French authorities to suspend returns to Greece until this country has reinforced its national asylum procedure.

At the end of their meeting, Commissioner Hammarberg and Minister Besson agreed to meet again in the coming weeks. They will analyse the problems in more depth and clarify the measures which will have to be taken to resolve the persistent difficulties as concerns migration matters in France and Europe.