New publications for an inclusive labour market in Cyprus

1 August 2023 Nicosia, Cyprus

Two inclusive labour market handbooks and a short guide have been prepared under the “Building structures for intercultural integration in Cyprus” project. These are the first publications to guide refugees and asylum seekers, as well as prospective employers, through the relevant sections of...

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Cypriot study visit to Madrid increases knowledge on intercultural integration

24 June 2024 Madrid, Spain

Representatives from various national bodies in Cyprus visited Madrid, Spain on 19-20 June 2024, to gain insights and practical knowledge on implementing effective intercultural inclusion policies. This study visit was organised in co-operation with the Spanish Observatory on Racism and...

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Update on the Cypriot regional intercultural networks

9 April 2024 Cyprus

The five regional intercultural networks in Cyprus held their first 2024 network meetings in March. The networks of municipal and community representatives, volunteers, NGOs, and migrants from the districts gathered to discuss the implementation of activities from their 2024-2027 intercultural...

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(Anglais seulement)

Intercultural training needs assessment in Cyprus

16 January 2024 Nicosia, Cyprus

Representatives of national entities in Cyprus participated in an “Intercultural competences and training needs assessment session" in Nicosia on 15-16 January 2024. The participants included representatives of the Ministries of Labour and Social Insurance, Education, Labour, as well as the...

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Updated: Call for intercultural integration consultants for Cyprus project

17 November 2023 Strasbourg, France

A call for consultants in the areas of intercultural integration and inclusion to support the project “Enhancing structures and policies for intercultural integration in Cyprus” has been published. The Council of Europe is looking for consultants with a particular expertise on migrant...

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UPDATED: Call for proposals for grants to coordinate Famagusta, Limassol and Nicosia networks

Updated 12 October 2023 Cyprus

The Council of Europe announces a Call for proposals for grants to coordinate the regional intercultural networks of Famagusta, Limassol and Nicosia, in the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe joint project: “Enhancing structures and policies for intercultural integration in...

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Reflections and next steps for intercultural integration in Cyprus

22 June 2023 Nicosia, Cyprus

The coordinators of the five regional intercultural networks in Cyprus (Famagusta, Larnaka, Limassol, Nicosia and Paphos) will present the key results of their district's intercultural index analysis as well as their network strategies and action plans at a conference on 22 June 2023, in...

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The role of local authorities in intercultural integration in Cyprus

22 May 2023 Lefkara, Cyprus

On Monday, 22 May 2023, a seminar on the role of local authorities and the integration of migrants is being organised by the Council of Europe in co-operation with the Union of Cyprus Municipalities and the Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of Interior in Lefkara, Cyprus. ...

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(anglais seulement)

Workshop on multilevel governance in Cyprus

24 April 2023 Nicosia, Cyprus

On 25 April in Nicosia, Cyprus, the Council of Europe, the European Commission and the Ministry of Interior will present a proposal of a "Blueprint for multilevel governance of intercultural integration policies in Cyprus". This proposal is based on the Council of Europe Recommendation on...

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(anglais seulement)

Presentation at the Cyprus Forum Cities

11 April 2023 Nicosia, Cyprus

On 8 April 2023, the "Building structures for intercultural integration in Cyprus" was presented at the Cyprus Forum - Cities in Nicosia by the project partner in the Ministry of Interior of Cyprus, and the regional intercultural coordinator for the Larnaka District. The presentation covered an...

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Visite d'étude interculturelle de maires chypriotes à Barcelone et Santa Coloma de Gramenet

15-16 mars 2023 Espagne

Dans le cadre du projet "Building structures for intercultural integration in Cyprus", cinq maires et maires adjoints ont participé à une visite d'étude dans les villes interculturelles de Barcelone et de Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Espagne) les 15 et 16 mars 2023. Le groupe était accompagné d'un...

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Application deadline 5 December 2022

Open call for an intercultural coordinator for the Limassol District

14 November 2022 Strasbourg

The Intercultural Cities programme is implementing a project on: “Building structures for intercultural integration in Cyprus” from 2 June 2021 to 1 June 2023. In that context, it is looking for the provision of consultation and regional intercultural co-ordination services for the Limassol...

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Preparation of regional intercultural action plans in Cyprus

3 October 2022 Cyprus

Under the project "Building structures for intercultural integration in Cyprus", the Intercultural Cities project officer and the project's expert consultant from the Spanish Network of Intercultural Cities (RECI) met with each of the five regional intercultural coordinatiors and networks...

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Nouveau rapport sur les éléments de la gouvernance multi-niveaux de l'intégration pour Chypre

2 Septembre 2022

Le projet "Construire des structures pour l'intégration interculturelle à Chypre" vient de publier un nouveau rapport qui cartographie les mécanismes de coordination multi-niveaux existants dans le domaine des politiques d'intégration à travers l'Europe. À partir de cette recherche, le rapport...

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Publication d'une nouvelle étude sur les politiques d'intégration à Chypre

4 aout 2022

L'objectif principal de cette étude est de comprendre et d'évaluer les politiques d'intégration et les niveaux de cohésion communautaire et d'intégration sociale à Chypre, et d'offrir des propositions et des recommandations sur la façon dont la situation pourrait être améliorée par l'implication...

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Results of the intercultural index analysis for Cyprus districts

27 May 2022 Cyprus

Four of the regional intercultural networks in Cyprus held their second network meetings in May 2022. At the meeting the networks agreed their terms of reference and discussed the results of the Intercultural Cities Index Analysis. Earlier this year the network coordinators led the process to...

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Cyprus networks complete online training course

May-June 2022 Online

The coordinators and members from the five regional intercultural networks in Cyprus have completed the four modules of a recent online intercultural competences course. Intercultural competence is what allows a person to be able to navigate comfortably in complex intercultural settings. It...

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Cypriot intercultural study visit to Italy

7 June 2022 Emilia Romagna, Italy

Co-ordinators and members of the newly established regional intercultural networks of Cyprus participated in a study visit to Italian intercultural cities in the region of Emilia Romagna (29 May-1 June). The networks learnt about the good intercultural practices and projects in the cities of...

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Larnaca region holds its 2nd network meeting

20 May 2022 Larnaca

The 2nd Larnaca Region Intercultural Network Meeting was been successfully held, thanks to the support of policy-makers and local stakeholders on 18 May. The network coordinators thanked the Municipalities of Larnaca, Athienou and Aradippou, whose attendance demonstrated the willingness of the...

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2nd meeting of the Famagusta District Intercultural Network

13 May 2022 Deryneia, Cyprus

On 10 May, the Intercultural Network of the Famagusta District held its 2nd meeting at Deryneia Municipality. The network discussed and agreed on the following issues: In-depth review of the results of the Intercutural Index Analysis for the Famagusta District, the limitations were discussed as...

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EU and Council of Europe logos

Le projet "Construire des structures pour l'intégration interculturelle à Chypre" est mis en œuvre avec le soutien financier de l'Union européenne, à travers son Programme d'appui aux réformes structurelles, et en coopération avec la DG de l'appui aux réformes structurelles de la Commission européenne.