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Intercultural cities: good practice examples

The Intercultural city aims at building its policies and identity on the explicit acknowledgement that diversity can be a resource for the development of the society.

The first step is the adoption (and implementation) of strategies that facilitate positive intercultural encounters and exchanges, and promote equal and active participation of residents and communities in the development of the city, thus responding to the needs of a diverse population. The Intercultural integration policy model is based on extensive research evidence, on a range of international legal instruments, and on the collective input of the cities member of the Intercultural Cities programme that share their good practice examples on how to better manage diversity, address possible conflicts, and benefit from the diversity advantage.

This section offers examples of intercultural approaches that facilitate the development and implementation of intercultural strategies.

Template for collection of Good practices >>

Poboljšanje prikupljanja podataka o jednakosti u Belgiji

Belgium 2021

Strategija podataka o jednakosti odgovara na imperativ dostupnosti precizne slike stvarnosti i baze dokaza radi efikasnog osmišljavanja i unapređenja političkih rešenja za nejednakost. Okupljanje...

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Valladolid’s Plan for intercultural coexistence 2019-2023

Spain Valladolid 2019-2023 (ongoing)

Purpose: The Plan is a tool that develops a comprehensive policy of living together from an intercultural perspective and helps the city harness the potential of diversity. It also enables to...

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Roma Strategy for the Bradford District (2021-2025)

United Kingdom Bradford 2021

Purpose: The aim of the Bradford District Roma Strategy is to improve engagement between statutory public services and the Roma community – through working with the community. Stimulus/Rationale:...

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Roma school promoters

Spain Barcelona Since 2014

Purpose: To address the inequalities in the education system through a “school promoters” project. The School Promoters aims to achieve full schooling, school success and the socio-labour promotion...

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Barcelona’s Neighbourhood Plan

Spain Barcelona Since 2017

Purpose: The Neighbourhoods Plan (Pla de Barris) is a municipal initiative that implements social, economic, and urban actions to reduce inequalities between the city's neighbourhoods. It is an...

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Mediation is a priority in Barcelona

Spain Barcelona

Purpose: Different mediation services are in place with the aim of providing resources to municipal service professionals to facilitate intercultural communication and to prevent and resolve...

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A welcoming app

Portugal Amadora Lisbon Loures Santa Maria da Feira Setúbal Cascais Portimão Braga Oeiras 2019-2021

Purpose: The Portuguese Network of Intercultural Cities (RPCI) has developed an app called Portugal Incoming. The app launched in 2019 is a major practical contribution to the integration of...

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Migrant stories

Germany Erlangen 2020

Purpose: During COVID, the City of Erlangen, Germany, made a point of uplifting the stories of contributions by people with migrant backgrounds via their website and communications. These ranged...

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Promoting cultural participation and equal access to culture in Neuchâtel

Switzerland Neuchâtel

This action promoting cultural participation was implemented in the frame of the intercultural strategy of the canton of Neuchâtel, which is based on the recognition of diversity, equality,...

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The Leeds Learning Alliance

United Kingdom Leeds Since 2019

The Leeds Learning Alliance (LLA) is a consortium of organisations formed in 2019 by a group of leaders, aiming to improve education in Leeds, United Kingdom (UK). The Alliance is unusual in the UK...

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Council for civil society development

Sweden Botkyrka 2018-

Purpose: Civil society organizations working in the social field and organised in the network “Platform for local NGOs’ in Botkyrka” and politicians from Botkyrka have established a joint Council...

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Equality Planning

Sweden Botkyrka N/A

Purpose: The municipal council in Botkyrka has developed specific systems to advance the goal of an equal Botkyrka and give expression to its values that include: citizen-focus, diversity as an...

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Bottkyrka: Anti-Discrimination Bureau

Sweden Botkyrka N/A

Purpose: Anti-Discrimination Bureaux are independent non-governmental organisations; the local Anti-Discrimination Bureau in Bottkyrka is funded by the municipality of Bottkyrka and offers...

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Salisbury’s effective measures to combat discrimination

Australia Salisbury 2020

Purpose: The Australian City of Salisbury adopted “The Fair Treatment Policy” and signed the “Refugee Welcome Zone Declaration” Process: The City Council adopted a policy called “The Fair Treatment...

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Equality Review & Action Plan

Ireland Dublin 2018

Purpose: Equality review of provision of social housing supports and homelessness services on the ground of racial or ethnic origin and action plan. Stimulus/Rationale: Foundation This initiative...

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Towards an Inclusive Public Transport Service

Ireland Dublin 2014 onwards

Purpose: Long-term programme in Dublin to fight racism and discrimination in public transport Process: Dublin City Council in partnership with Immigrant Council of Ireland, the Equality Authority...

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Intercultural Ambassadors

Australia Ballarat 2010 onwards

Purpose: A unique festival to encourage its citizens to meet and get to know each other Stimulus/Rationale: The Intercultural Ambassador Program aims to enhance community awareness and social...

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Covid 19 practice

Australia Maribyrnong 2020

Purpose: Information and support for CALD businesses during COVID 19 Stimulus/Rationale: The Mayor of Maribyrnong initially announced that the City Council would be giving permit refunds and 50%...

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Reconciliation Action Plan

Australia Ballarat May 2019 – May 2021

Purpose: Raising awareness about reconciliation, demonstrating commitment and raising the profile of reconciliation in the community. Process: The City of Ballarat have developed and Innovative...

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Harmony Fest

Australia Ballarat 2010 onwards

Purpose: A unique festival to encourage its citizens to meet and get to know each other Process: Since it was launched in 2010, Harmony Fest has become the City of Ballarat’s vibrant diversity...

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