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Intercultural cities: good practice examples

The Intercultural city aims at building its policies and identity on the explicit acknowledgement that diversity can be a resource for the development of the society.

The first step is the adoption (and implementation) of strategies that facilitate positive intercultural encounters and exchanges, and promote equal and active participation of residents and communities in the development of the city, thus responding to the needs of a diverse population. The Intercultural integration policy model is based on extensive research evidence, on a range of international legal instruments, and on the collective input of the cities member of the Intercultural Cities programme that share their good practice examples on how to better manage diversity, address possible conflicts, and benefit from the diversity advantage.

This section offers examples of intercultural approaches that facilitate the development and implementation of intercultural strategies.

Template for collection of Good practices >>

Interreligious dialogue in Valladolid

Spain Valladolid 2019 - ongoing

Purpose: Promote attitudes of respect for religious diversity by involving representatives of religious communities in the representatives of religious communities in the shared management of...

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Schools for equality and diversity

Spain Barcelona Since 2014

Purpose: To promote a quality education system that is inclusive and promotes equal opportunities for all students. More precisely, to build capacity of teachers on the prevention of violence and...

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Roma inclusion policies in Reggio Emilia, Italy

Italy Reggio Emilia 2022

Purpose: The initiative aims to support the inclusion of the Roma community in Reggio Emilia by promoting intercultural interaction. Stimulus/Rationale: The city of Reggio Emilia has approximately...

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The Open Mosque Project – Increasing contact in the neighbourhood

Italy Turin 2018-ongoing

Purpose: The event “Open Mosques” allows people to meet and to get to know each other. The project’s primary objective is to open up the unknown – the space of the mosque – and thereby reduce...

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Multilingual health information

Portugal Lisbon 2018-2021

Purpose: The INFORMA em AÇÃO project aims to promote access to the SNS - National Health Service - by migrant communities and the improvement of the conditions in which it takes place, by...

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Diversity policy in Geneva - New roadmap for the 2020-2025 legislature

Switzerland Geneva 2020-2025

Purpose: Since 2014, the City of Geneva has been developing a public policy on cultural diversity and fight against racism. Placed among its priorities by the Administrative Council (executive of...

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New generations on the wave

Italy Pontedera Olbia April - November 2022

Purpose: This project aimed at giving the opportunity to local administrations and local communities to work together to develop strategies for the promotion of civic and intercultural active...

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Place based cultural development within Kirklees – focus on textiles and music

United Kingdom Kirklees 2018-2023

Purpose: The City of Kirklees launched place based cultural development running from 2018 until 2023, dealing with public spaces and community engagement through arts and culture. It aims to...

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Intercultural Council of Limassol

Cyprus Limassol 2017 - ongoing

Purpose: The purpose of the Limassol Intercultural Council is to foster inclusive integration and promote intercultural understanding within the city of Limassol. By bringing together...

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Equal provision of support services to ALL vulnerable groups

Greece Patras Ongoing

Purpose: The purpose is to provide support services to all vulnerable groups within Patras' population, promoting equality and respect for human rights and needs. The focus is on covering basic...

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An Anti-Racism Cockpit

Italy Turin 2019

Purpose: Internally focused activity is key to addressing systemic discrimination. It enables a focus on the priorities, processes and practices of an organisation. It can be difficult to secure a...

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Covid-19 Working Group

United Kingdom Camden 2020

Concept Camden Council has a track record in seeking to address systemic discrimination and structural inequalities. This is not a new issue for the Council, but Covid-19 has both highlighted and...

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The Inclusive Employer

United Kingdom Bradford 2022

Purpose: Bradford Council seeks to be an inclusive employer Stimulus/Rationale: This initiative is rooted in Bradford Council’s Equality Objectives 2016-2020. One objective is that the Council is...

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The Auckland Plan 2050

New Zealand Auckland 2019-2050

Purpose: ‘Fostering an inclusive Auckland where everyone belongs’ Stimulus/Rationale: The Auckland Plan 2050 outlines a 30-year strategy for Auckland to tackle three key challenges: Population...

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Welcoming guide - communication

Portugal Amadora ongoing

Purpose: In order to further enhance the work on Welcoming, and to encourage a positive perception of diversity and a participatory approach to citizenship, the municipality of Amadora has prepared...

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Evaluation of the City of Geneva's diversity policy for the period 2016-2020

Switzerland Geneva

The City of Geneva publishes the results of the evaluation of its diversity policy for the period 2016-2020. Geneva is unlike any other of the cities which are member of the Intercultural Cities...

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Valuing multilingualism

Spain Sabadell Since 2016

Purpose: The city of Sabadell provides a variety of services in the field of language competences. First, there are programmes targeting women and youngsters to improve language skills. In...

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Nga Kete Akoranga (NKA)

New Zealand Auckland 2018 onwards

Purpose: Promoting cultural competence amongst Auckland’s staff: A training programme for staff to respond effectively to Māori people. Stimulus/Rationale: The implementation of a refreshed Ngā...

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Montreal launches a policy of non-discriminatory access to all municipal services

Canada Montreal

On June 5, Rosannie Filato, head of public security on the Executive Committee, and Magda Popeanu, vice-president of the Executive Committee and head of culture and diversity in Montreal, unveiled...

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Ongi Etorri Eskolara!

Spain Donostia-San Sebastian Since 2014

Purpose: The programme aims at: Mainstreaming an intercultural approach in schools, by valuing the different cultures present at the school and by working with all the school actors, from directors...

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Il Centro per i giovani – an intercultural, educational project

Italy Turin 2009-ongoing

Purpose: Working with and for new generations is a priority for the Intercultural Centre of the City of Turin. That is why – back in 2009 - the city has launched “Il centro per i giovani” (the...

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The public library: a place for social dialogue

Norway Bergen Ongoing

Purpose: The Public Library of Bergen aims to facilitate a learning hub centred around language and intercultural meetings between Norwegian residents and new-comers. Stimulus/Rationale: The...

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Political Literacy Sessions

Australia Maribyrnong 2020

The City of Maribyrnong hosted sessions by the Victorian Electoral Commission about the three levels that of government in Australia and addressed: keywords and concepts associated with the...

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Employment and skills - Adult Learning Programme, BUILD programme, Leeds Anchors Network

United Kingdom Leeds 2020

In Leeds 24% of the working age population do not have a Level 2 Qualification. The city therefore runs an Adult Learning Programme which is targeted at residents with low-level skills and...

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Community Connector Project

United Kingdom Leeds 2020

In July 2019, Leeds started the 15-month Community Connector project[1] which aims to support new migrants to connect with local services and existing community networks through building bridges...

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Fresh start – Learning English

United Kingdom Leeds 2020

As part of ‘Child Friendly Leeds’[1], the city recognises that starting school in a new location is daunting. The city has therefore established a weekly session for children aged 9-16 called...

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The Leeds Migration Map

United Kingdom Leeds 2020

Leeds has mainstreamed statistical and qualitative information about diversity and intercultural relations to inform the local/municipal council’s process of policy formulation. This is done...

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Migrant Community Networkers – Creating links in the neighbourhood

United Kingdom Leeds 2020

Leeds has a Migrant Access Programme (MAP) which aims to promote community cohesion and enhance resilience and sustainability of local communities in Leeds. The Programme uses asset-based...

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The Language Hub Programme

United Kingdom Leeds 2020

Based on the Culture Strategy 2017-2030[1] the city aims to change perceptions and attitudes towards culture and the arts, moving the focus from what they cost to what they create. All...

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Bradford for Everyone or how to create a more inclusive city for all

United Kingdom Bradford 2020

Purpose: To create an inclusive city for all Stimulus/Rationale: Bradford Council is pioneering new ways to end segregation by bringing together people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds...

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