Назад Career counselling for SPRAR beneficiaries



The action aims to analyse the working background of refugees and asylum seekers taken in charge by the SPRAR programme and to give them useful information and advice for the job search.


Overall, SPRAR in Ravenna has 78 available places for adults and 6 for unaccompanied minors.

The action is implemented thanks to the private supplier of SPRAR programme (social cooperative) and its collaboration with civil society organizations.


Asylum seekers and refugees are supported by a team of the social cooperative “Persone in Movimento”, which is the managing organization of SPRAR programme in Ravenna: after an individual interview, the team designs an individualized project for the beneficiaries, which may consist of:

  • CV writing and the enrolment at the Employment Centre (40 beneficiaries)
  • Once a month, a group of beneficiaries takes part in a working group which practices simulation techniques, like job interviews and job calls (7 group meetings, 22 total beneficiaries)
  • IT workshops to learn how to write CVs and to create an e-mail account (15 beneficiaries)
  • After the IT workshop, a vocational training is provided to the most motivated beneficiaries (5 beneficiaries)
  • Once a week, a front office is open to support beneficiaries in job search.
  • Workshops (e.g., farming, bike repair) involved 5 people.
  • Training courses (e.g., electrician, green maintenance, food safety, occupational safety, cooking class) have reached 42 people among beneficiaries in SPRAR both adults and minors.
  • Activation of vocational training paths have been activated for 46 people hosted in SPRAR programme.
  • Other actions have involved SPRAR beneficiaries in leisure activities, such as theatre, sports, music, animal care, volunteering: they aimed at building a helpful network for the beneficiaries and improving social cohesion with the local community.


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