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Intercultural cities: good practice examples

The Intercultural city aims at building its policies and identity on the explicit acknowledgement that diversity can be a resource for the development of the society.

The first step is the adoption (and implementation) of strategies that facilitate positive intercultural encounters and exchanges, and promote equal and active participation of residents and communities in the development of the city, thus responding to the needs of a diverse population. The Intercultural integration policy model is based on extensive research evidence, on a range of international legal instruments, and on the collective input of the cities member of the Intercultural Cities programme that share their good practice examples on how to better manage diversity, address possible conflicts, and benefit from the diversity advantage.

This section offers examples of intercultural approaches that facilitate the development and implementation of intercultural strategies.

Template for collection of Good practices >>

Krijimi i kushteve për një strategji për të dhënat e barazisë në Irlandë

Ireland QË NGA VITI 2020

Të dhënat e barazisë janë me rëndësi kritike dhe interes të rëndësishëm për të gjithë ata që janë të përfshirë në këtë iniciativë. Kërkohet të futen në ciklin e politikave për të përmirësuar...

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Arritja në një pikë nga e cila do të ndërmerrte veprime në Oslo

Norway Oslo 2022

INICIATIVA TË SYNUARA PËR TË DHËNAT E BARAZISË Qëllimi: Komuna e Oslos ndërmori iniciativë hulumtuese për të mbledhur të dhëna mbi përvojat e diskriminimit, së bashku me një iniciativë për të...

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Barazia territoriale dhe kulturore në Montreal – Fokusi i popullsisë

Canada Montreal 2020

INICIATIVA TË SYNUARA PËR TË DHËNAT E BARAZISË Qëllimi: Të dhënat e popullsisë mblidhen dhe analizohen për të informuar dhe udhëhequr projektimin dhe zbatimin e ndërhyrjeve në qytet, duke u...

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Integration project for newly arrived refugees with urban farming

Norway Bergen 2019-2023

Purpose: The project aims to create sustainability through urban farming and distributing the harvest of urban farming to restaurants, and to integrate newly arrived refugees by involving them in...

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Everyone different, Everyone matters

United Kingdom Calderdale 2022

In Calderdale (United Kingdom), the local authority has led the development of a social cohesion strategy, produced in consultation with the local public, under the banner of ‘everyone different,...

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Botkyrka: Anti-Rumour Cafés – Stop the Rumour

Sweden Botkyrka 2016-

Purpose: The Anti-Rumours Cafés, now called Stop The Rumour (Stop Ryktet) and are carried out for the municipality of Botkyrka by the environmental and social impact agency The Good Tribe that set...

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Collaborating to change local food systems

Italy Milan 2019- ongoing

Purpose: Milan is combating food waste by making the most of its food resources while supporting the regeneration of natural systems and the inclusion of migrants. The city has developed circular...

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Erlangen: Digital inclusion in the time of crisis, while extending life of IT products

Germany Erlangen 2020

Purpose: With the Covid-19 pandemic, the topic of digitisation has become even more important. At times, participation was only possible digitally. However, the need for digital equipment is not...

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Utilising waste land to build community, local resilience, and employment

United Kingdom Calderdale 2022

The largest employer in one of the most deprived areas of Calderdale, United Kingdom, is a voluntary organisation that has created a green kitchen building in a community garden on a piece of...

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Salisbury’s Intercultural Strategic Plan 2017-2027 encourages the intercultural exchanges

Australia Salisbury 2017 onwards

Purpose: The Intercultural Strategic Plan includes the idea to: “encourage intercultural exchanges”. This idea is supported via actions in the Implementation Plan and is manifested through the...

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