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Intercultural cities: good practice examples

The Intercultural city aims at building its policies and identity on the explicit acknowledgement that diversity can be a resource for the development of the society.

The first step is the adoption (and implementation) of strategies that facilitate positive intercultural encounters and exchanges, and promote equal and active participation of residents and communities in the development of the city, thus responding to the needs of a diverse population. The Intercultural integration policy model is based on extensive research evidence, on a range of international legal instruments, and on the collective input of the cities member of the Intercultural Cities programme that share their good practice examples on how to better manage diversity, address possible conflicts, and benefit from the diversity advantage.

This section offers examples of intercultural approaches that facilitate the development and implementation of intercultural strategies.

Template for collection of Good practices >>

Roma Strategy for the Bradford District (2021-2025)

United Kingdom Bradford 2021

Purpose: The aim of the Bradford District Roma Strategy is to improve engagement between statutory public services and the Roma community – through working with the community. Stimulus/Rationale:...

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Provokimi i debatit, mundësimi i të kuptuarit dhe stimulimi i veprimit përmes hulumtimit mbi racizmin strukturor në Bergen

Norway Bergen 2021

INICIATIVA TË SYNUARA PËR TË DHËNAT E BARAZISË Qëllimi: Kjo iniciativë kërkimore u ndërmor nga Komuna e Bergenit për të përcaktuar se si popullatat etnike të pakicave e perceptuan mënyrën se si u...

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Migrant stories

Germany Erlangen 2020

Purpose: During COVID, the City of Erlangen, Germany, made a point of uplifting the stories of contributions by people with migrant backgrounds via their website and communications. These ranged...

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Përmirësimi i mbledhjes së të dhënave për barazinë në Belgjikë

Belgium 2021

Strategjia e të dhënave të barazisë i përgjigjet imperativit për një tablo të saktë të realitetit, një bazë dëshmish, që të jetë e disponueshme nëse zgjidhjet e politikave për pabarazinë duhen...

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A welcoming app

Portugal Amadora Lisbon Loures Santa Maria da Feira Setúbal Cascais Portimão Braga Oeiras 2019-2021

Purpose: The Portuguese Network of Intercultural Cities (RPCI) has developed an app called Portugal Incoming. The app launched in 2019 is a major practical contribution to the integration of...

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0 International outlook