
Georgian Parliament should not adopt anti-LGBTI law and should refrain from using stigmatising rhetoric

10/09/2024 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Michael O’Flaherty, published today a letter sent to the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia in which he asks members of the Parliament to refrain from adopting the draft law “On protecting family values and minors” passed in second reading...

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Poland: all laws and practices related to the situation on the border with Belarus should comply with human rights standards

23/07/2024 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Michael O’Flaherty, published today two letters sent on 17 July to the Prime Minister and the Marshal of the Senate of Poland concerning the human rights situation on the border with Belarus. In his letter to the Prime Minister, the...

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Finland should reject the draft law on instrumentalisation of migration, protect access to asylum and prevent summary expulsions

17/06/2024 Strasbourg

In a letter addressed to the Speaker of the Parliament of Finland and several Committee chairpersons, published today, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Michael O’Flaherty, expresses concern about the human rights compatibility of the draft law to curb instrumentalised...

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Georgia: concerns about the compatibility of the draft law “On transparency of foreign influence” with the rights to freedom of association and expression

16/04/2024 Strasbourg

In a letter addressed to the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia published today, Commissioner O’Flaherty expresses concerns about the compatibility of the draft law “On transparency of foreign influence” with the human rights standards in the field of freedom of association and expression, and...

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Country visit report

Germany: Follow through with human rights commitments and improve access to social rights

19/03/2024 Strasbourg

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published today the report following her visit to Germany from 27 November to 1 December 2023, with recommendations regarding the available structures and legal frameworks to protect human rights, and on access to social rights, in...

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Looking tough on migration is eroding human rights

Politico, 06 March 2024 Curtailing migrant rights may help score quick political gains, but electoral success doesn’t give governments carte blanche to place themselves above the law. The upcoming adoption of the United Kingdom’s Safety of Rwanda Bill, currently working its way through the House...

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Rapporto visita paese

L’Italia deve migliorare legislazione e prassi in materia d’immigrazione e asilo, diritti delle donne e uguaglianza di genere

14/12/2023 Strasbourg

In un rapporto pubblicato oggi, la Commissaria per i diritti umani del Consiglio d’Europa, Dunja Mijatović, raccomanda il miglioramento del rispetto dei diritti dei migranti, dei richiedenti asilo e delle donne. La Commissaria si sofferma inoltre su alcune questioni riguardanti i giornalisti e la...

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Country visit report

Denmark: refocus on protection and integration in asylum policy and step up measures to improve the situation of persons with disabilities

16/11/2023 Strasbourg

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published today the report on her visit to Denmark in May-June 2023, with recommendations on the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants and the rights of persons with disabilities. There have been several positive...

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Opinion article

Recognizing and addressing the erosion of human rights and democracy in Europe: a way forward

29/08/2023 Strasbourg

The Slovinian Times, 22/08/2023 Respect for human rights and the rule of law are the core principles of the Council of Europe and the lifeblood of democracy, Dunja Mijatović, the organisation's Commissioner for Human Rights, writes in her op-ed for Bled Strategic Times as she calls on member...

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Pylos shipwreck: the Greek authorities must ensure that effective investigations are conducted

28/07/2023 Strasbourg

In a letter to the Prime Minister of Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, published today, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, stresses that Greece has the legal obligation to conduct effective investigations into the Pylos shipwreck, which resulted in the death of more...

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Ireland: Secure dignified accommodation for all refugees and asylum seekers through a government-wide approach

26/05/2023 Strasbourg

In a letter addressed to the Prime Minister of Ireland, the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, published today, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović raises concerns about the...

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Country visit report

Spain: address housing and health inequalities, safeguard freedoms of expression and assembly and provide safe and legal access to the territory for people seeking asylum

10/05/2023 Strasbourg

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović published today the report on her visit to Spain carried out in November 2022, with recommendations on social rights, in particular the right to housing and the right to health, the freedoms of expression and assembly and the human...

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Commissioner urges the Georgian Parliament to reject the draft law “On transparency of foreign influence”

28/02/2023 Strasbourg

In a letter addressed to the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia published today, Commissioner Mijatović expresses concerns that the adoption of the draft law “On transparency of foreign influence” may have a serious chilling effect on the work of civil society organisations in Georgia. “Such a...

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Commissioner calls on Belgium to ensure accommodation and material assistance for asylum seekers

21/12/2022 Strasbourg

In her letter addressed to Belgium’s State Secretary for Asylum and Migration, Nicole De Moor, published today, the Commissioner expresses her concerns about the current situation of individuals seeking international protection in Belgium. A lack of available accommodation in reception facilities...

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Malta should strengthen the protection of the media and access to information, in line with international standards

06/10/2022 Strasbourg

“The Maltese authorities must ensure that legislative work launched pursuant to the public inquiry report into the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia complies with international standards and is fully open to public scrutiny and participation”, said today the Council of Europe Commissioner...

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The Netherlands must take urgent measures to improve reception conditions for asylum seekers

02/09/2022 Strasbourg

In a letter addressed to the Dutch Minister for Migration published today, Commissioner Mijatović expresses her concern about asylum reception conditions in the Netherlands. The Commissioner’s letter follows a further worsening of the situation, especially at the Ter Apel registration centre,...

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Finland: amendments to Border Guard Act must be accompanied by clear human rights safeguards

04/08/2022 Strasbourg

In a letter addressed to the Finnish Minister of Interior, published today, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, called for clear safeguards to ensure that recently adopted amendments to the Border Guard Act would not lead to human rights violations. Under the...

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Country visit report

Georgia should ensure effective implementation of the anti-discrimination legislation and improve protection of human rights in the fields of labour and the environment

15/07/2022 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published today the report following her visit to Georgia in February 2022, with recommendations on combating discrimination against LGBTI people and those belonging to religious minorities, as well as protecting human rights...

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Commissioner calls on Spanish authorities to investigate the circumstances of the deaths and violence at Melilla border

13/07/2022 Strasbourg

In a letter addressed to the Spanish Minister of the Interior published today, Commissioner Mijatović urges the authorities to conduct an independent, full and effective investigation into the events leading to the deaths of more than 20 migrants who attempted to cross the fence between Nador,...

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Hungary: establish a fair and effective asylum system

21/06/2022 Strasbourg

In a letter addressed to the Hungarian Minister of the Interior published today, Commissioner Mijatović expresses her appreciation for the country’s open border policy for those fleeing Ukraine but raises concerns about the longer-term protection perspective of third country nationals and...

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