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End of mission

Commissioner O’Flaherty raises alarm on LGBTI rights, pledges to partner with Roma

02/07/2024 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Michael O’Flaherty, travelled to Thessaloniki, Greece, on 28 and 29 June to participate in the EuroPride 2024 Human Rights Conference and engage with local Roma communities who live on the outskirts of the city. At the EuroPride Conference...

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Europride2024: Proud and concerned

28/06/2024 Thessaloniki, Greece

Speech delivered at the closing session of the Thessaloniki EuroPride 2024 Human Rights Conference (check against delivery) Dear friends, It's a great pleasure to be here. I want to thank you for the invitation. At the end of today, I'm left both proud and anxious. I am proud from all the...

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Greece: the Ombudsman institution opening an independent investigation into the Pylos shipwreck is a welcome step

09/11/2023 Strasbourg

I welcome the opening by the Greek Ombudsman institution, in its capacity as National Mechanism for the Investigation of Arbitrary Incidents by members of the security forces, of an independent investigation into the acts and potential omissions of members of the Greek Coast Guard in relation to...

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Pylos shipwreck: the Greek authorities must ensure that effective investigations are conducted

28/07/2023 Strasbourg

In a letter to the Prime Minister of Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, published today, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, stresses that Greece has the legal obligation to conduct effective investigations into the Pylos shipwreck, which resulted in the death of more...

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Greek authorities should reverse the trend undermining the work of human rights defenders and journalists

12/01/2023 Strasbourg

The hostile environment in which human rights defenders, civil society and journalists work in Greece has been an issue of concern for several years. Smear campaigns targeting individuals defending human rights, cumbersome NGO registration procedures and undue pressure on journalists have...

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Greece's Parliament should align the deportations and return bill with human rights standards

03/09/2021 Strasbourg

“The Greek parliament should reconsider a legislative proposal currently being discussed, which would seriously hinder the life-saving work carried out at sea by NGOs, and their human rights monitoring capacities in the Aegean”, said the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja...

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Greek authorities should investigate allegations of pushbacks and ill-treatment of migrants, ensure an enabling environment for NGOs and improve reception conditions

12/05/2021 Strasbourg

In a letter addressed to the Minister for Citizens’ Protection, the Minister of Migration and Asylum, and the Minister of Shipping and Island Policy of Greece, made public today, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, urges the Greek authorities to put an end to...

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Commissioner calls on the Greek authorities to provide adequate support to all those affected by the fire in Moria

09/09/2020 Strasbourg

“The fire that destroyed most of the Registration and Identification Centre of Moria and the informal settlements surrounding it, on the Greek island of Lesvos on Tuesday night has dramatically worsened the living conditions of more than 12 000 asylum seekers and migrants, including more than...

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Time to immediately act and to address humanitarian and protection needs of people trapped between Turkey and Greece

03/03/2020 Strasbourg

The human rights situation at the border between Turkey and Greece where thousands of vulnerable men, women and children are trapped between borders without access to assistance or the possibility to seek international protection is an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Urgent action is now...

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Commissioner seeks information from the Greek government on its plans to set-up closed reception centres on the Aegean islands

03/12/2019 Strasbourg

Today the Commissioner published an exchange of letters with the Minister of Citizen Protection of Greece, Michalis Chrysochoidis, and the Alternate Minister for Migration Policy of Greece, Giorgos Koumoutsakos, concerning the plans to transfer migrants from the Aegean islands to the mainland and...

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* On 16 March 2022, the Committee of Ministers adopted a decision by which the Russian Federation ceased to be a member of the Council of Europe, after 26 years of membership.
** All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.