Назад Implementing ECHR judgments: Latest decisions from the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers

Implementing ECHR judgments: Latest decisions from the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers

The latest case-by-case decisions on the implementation of judgments and decisions from the European Court of Human Rights have been published by the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers.

The Committee adopted 37 decisions concerning 16 member states during the meeting, including four Interim Resolutions (*) on the Bell v. Belgium case, the Bekir-Ousta and Others v. Greece group of cases, the Navalnyye v. Russia case and the Öner and Türk v. Turkey group of cases.

21 Final Resolutions (**) were adopted by the Committee in respect of 77 judgments and decisions from the European court, concerning 17 different states.

An indicative list of cases to be examined during the Committee’s next full meeting on the execution of judgments, which will take place from 14 to 16 September 2021, was also adopted.


(*) An Interim Resolution is a form of decision adopted by the Committee of Ministers aimed at overcoming more complex situations requiring special attention.

(**) A Final Resolution is a Committee of Ministers decision whereby it decides to close the supervision of the execution of a judgment, considering that the respondent state has adopted all measures required in response to the violations found by the court.

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Implementing ECHR judgments: Latest decisions from the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers

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Committee of Ministers Strasbourg 10 June 2021
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