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Council of Europe Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) visits Switzerland


The purpose of this visit was to examine the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty by the police and in remand detention in four cantons of the Swiss Confederation. In this context, particular attention was paid to the measures taken by the Swiss authorities in response to the...

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The Council of Europe's anti-torture Committee publishes a report on Switzerland


On the subject of law enforcement, the CPT has received a number of complaints of excessive use of force by police officers and recommends that action to prevent police violence be enhanced. The Committee considers that the practice, which was observed in two police stations visited in Vaud, of...

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Ad hoc visit: 19/03/2024 - 28/03/2024

Periodic visit: 22/03/2021 - 01/04/2021

  • Report (in French only):  [CPT/Inf (2022) 9]
    • Executive summary: in French ; in German  [CPT/Inf (2022) 9 - part]
  • Government response: in French ; in German ; in Italian  [CPT/Inf (2022) 10]
  • Publication news flash 
  • Visit news flash

Periodic visit: 13/04/2015 - 24/04/2015

  • CPT report (in French): [CPT/Inf (2016) 18]
    • Executive summary:
  • Government response (in French): German version: Italian version: [CPT/Inf (2016) 19]
  • Publication news flash

Periodic visit: 10/10/2011 - 20/10/2011

  • CPT report (in French): [CPT/Inf (2012) 26]
  • Government response (in French): German version: Italian version: [CPT/Inf (2012) 27]
  • Publication news flash

Periodic visit: 24/09/2007 - 05/10/2007

  • CPT observations (in French): [CPT/Inf (2008) 1]
  • CPT report (in French): [CPT/Inf (2008) 33]
  • Government response (in French): [CPT/Inf (2008) 34]

Ad hoc visit: 20/10/2003 - 24/10/2003

  • CPT report (in French): [CPT/Inf (2004) 38]
  • Government response (in French): German version: Italian version: [CPT/Inf (2004) 39]
  • Publication news flash

Periodic visit: 05/02/2001 - 15/02/2001

  • CPT report (in French): [CPT/Inf (2002) 4]
  • Government response (in French): German version:  Italian version: [CPT/Inf (2002) 5]
  • Publication news flash

Periodic visit: 11/02/1996 - 23/02/1996

  • CPT report (in French):    [CPT/Inf (97) 7]
  • Government response (in French):   [CPT/Inf (97) 7]
    • Annexes (in French): [CPT/Inf (97) 7]
  • Government follow-up report (in French): [CPT/Inf (98) 4]

Periodic visit: 21/07/1991 - 29/07/1991

  • CPT report (in French): [CPT/Inf (93) 3]
  • Government response (in French): [CPT/Inf (93) 4]
    • Annexes (in French): [CPT/Inf (93) 4 Add]
  • Government follow-up report (in French): [CPT/Inf (94) 7]