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Intercultural cities: good practice examples

The Intercultural city aims at building its policies and identity on the explicit acknowledgement that diversity can be a resource for the development of the society.

The first step is the adoption (and implementation) of strategies that facilitate positive intercultural encounters and exchanges, and promote equal and active participation of residents and communities in the development of the city, thus responding to the needs of a diverse population. The Intercultural integration policy model is based on extensive research evidence, on a range of international legal instruments, and on the collective input of the cities member of the Intercultural Cities programme that share their good practice examples on how to better manage diversity, address possible conflicts, and benefit from the diversity advantage.

This section offers examples of intercultural approaches that facilitate the development and implementation of intercultural strategies.

Template for collection of Good practices >>

Multilingual initiatives improve the intercultural dialogue and the inclusive integration

Cyprus Limassol Ongoing

Purpose: The purpose of the activity is to foster intercultural dialogue and inclusive integration through multilingual initiatives. The city of Limassol, Cyprus, takes significant steps to...

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Boosting the citizens’ social life with art and festivities

Cyprus Limassol

The City Council of Limassol promotes access to culture for the whole population with a broad programme of free events and activities. The City Council uses interculturalism as a criterion when...

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Bradford for Everyone or how to create a more inclusive city for all

United Kingdom Bradford 2020

Purpose: To create an inclusive city for all Stimulus/Rationale: Bradford Council is pioneering new ways to end segregation by bringing together people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds...

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Spain Bilbao Valencia 2017 - ongoing

Purpose: Diversitours is a project to promote intercultural coexistence through urban tours that reflect the positive impact of cultural diversity in cities. Guided walks with an intercultural...

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Fostering inclusive recruitment: project report and Guidebook for Employers

Portugal Amadora Loures Oeiras April to November 2021

Purpose: Through the project “Inclusive Recruitment” the Portuguese municipalities of Amadora, Loures and Oeiras worked on ways and means to encourage Portuguese employers to hire migrants and...

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Units for Homeless - an inspiring action from Patras, Greece

Greece Patras ongoing

Purpose: The purpose of these structures is to provide reception, daily living care, immediate health assistance, and psychosocial support to individuals and families facing homelessness or...

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Annual ICC Forums Tradition – Melitopol

Ukraine Melitopol 2021

Process: Melitopol, as a member city of the Ukrainian ICC network, has managed to establish the useful tradition of hosting annual international Intercultural Forums. Despite the limitations...

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EUkrainians’ Favourite Book

Ukraine Odessa 2021

Process: In 2021, due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, the Ukrainian cities that are member of the ICC programme had to celebrate Europe Day online for the second consecutive year....

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The Council of Churches in Lutsk

Ukraine Lutsk 2021

Purpose: Establishing interfaith dialogue and guaranteeing freedom of thought and religion Stimulus/Rationale: At the initiative of the mayor of the City of Lutsk, Mr. Ihor Polishchuk, the Lutsk...

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Culture Camp in Vinnytsia

Ukraine Vinnitsya 2021

Impact: A five-day international culture camp was held in Vinnytsia from 27 to 31 July 2021 in the city’s Peoples' Friendship Park. More than a hundred schoolkids, aged 8 to 17, were introduced to...

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Empowering Roma Students

Greece Patras 23/02/2022 – 23/02/2025

Purpose: The purpose of the collaboration between the Social Organisation of the Municipality of Patras and the University of Patras is to address the educational inequality and marginalization...

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“The thousand faces of Sherbrooke”: a project to emphasise the plural reality and the diversity of the city

Canada Sherbrooke Since 2021

In order to make its plural reality visible, valued and recognised, Sherbrooke collaborated with the Humans of Sherbrooke collective to initiate the inspiring project "The thousand faces of...

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Interreligious dialogue in Valladolid

Spain Valladolid 2019 - ongoing

Purpose: Promote attitudes of respect for religious diversity by involving representatives of religious communities in the representatives of religious communities in the shared management of...

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Pròxim: Access to the labour market

Spain Barcelona

  Purpose: Pròxim Programme is a social and labour insertion programme for people in an irregular administrative situation that could be regularised. The objectives are: To increase the level of...

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Roma inclusion policies in Reggio Emilia, Italy

Italy Reggio Emilia 2022

Purpose: The initiative aims to support the inclusion of the Roma community in Reggio Emilia by promoting intercultural interaction. Stimulus/Rationale: The city of Reggio Emilia has approximately...

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Fans for diversity: inclusion through a community of football supporters

United Kingdom Bradford 2020

  Purpose: Increasing the diversity and inclusion of all football fans and strengthening ties in the community. Stimulus/Rationale: A Bradford City Football supporters group, the Bangla Bantams, is...

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Schools for equality and diversity

Spain Barcelona Since 2014

Purpose: To promote a quality education system that is inclusive and promotes equal opportunities for all students. More precisely, to build capacity of teachers on the prevention of violence and...

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The Iroko 7 Cs in Kirklees – Community focus

United Kingdom Kirklees 2021

Purpose and stimulus/rationale: The Iroko project was developed, over an eight-month period, to respond to a context of: stark inequalities for Black and African Caribbean Communities revealed by...

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Multilingual health information

Portugal Lisbon 2018-2021

Purpose: The INFORMA em AÇÃO project aims to promote access to the SNS - National Health Service - by migrant communities and the improvement of the conditions in which it takes place, by...

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New generations on the wave

Italy Pontedera Olbia April - November 2022

Purpose: This project aimed at giving the opportunity to local administrations and local communities to work together to develop strategies for the promotion of civic and intercultural active...

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