Denmark – Public Debate in Denmark on the future of the healthcare system (2008)

The Danish health care system was under political and public pressure for more, better and faster treatments but was lacking the needed financing.

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Finland - Citizen's initiative to the Parliament (2012)

From March 2012, the Constitution of Finland made it possible to allow for a citizens’ initiative to the Parliament of Finland. If supported by a minimum of 50,000 citizens, an initiative will issue an action by Parliament.

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United Kingdom - Public engagement on brain science, addiction and drugs (2007)

In 2006, the Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) launched an independent inquiry into the societal, health, safety and environmental issues that had been identified in an earlier report, DrugsFutures 2025?, published in 2005. The drugsfutures public engagement activities ran from January to April...

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Belarus - The rights and responsibilities of doctors and patients in modern healthcare systems (legal and ethics issues) (2018)

A debate about the rights and responsibilities of a doctor and a patient in a modern healthcare system (legal and ethical issues) was initiated in September 2018 by the Ministry of Health and Bioethics Committee of the Republic of Belarus, with participation of the Republican Bioethics Center.

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Poland - Constitutional week to inform and dialogue with citizens (2018)

The initiator of the Constitutional Week, the Association Pro Memoriam Zbigniew Hołda, was founded by a group of legal specialists aiming to commemorate the scientific and social activity of professor Hołda through, among other things, delivering legal education in an open and creative way.

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Ireland - Public debate concerning abortion and the repeal of the eighth amendment to the constitution (2016)

In May 2016, the Programme for a Partnership Government committed the Irish Government to the establishment of a Citizens’ Assembly with a mandate to look at a limited number of key issues over an extended time period. One of these issues was to consider whether to repeal or replace the Eighth...

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Russian Federation – Public debate and its impact on the law on transplantation of human organs and tissues (2016)

The Russian Federation has a long-standing practice of consultations on draft laws at the level of state authorities as well as public discussions. Public discussions takes place at various venues and with interested representatives of professional communities and public organizations, including...

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Cyprus - Awareness week (2018)

An Awareness Week is organised in Cyprus on an annual basis. In 2018, the theme was the Bioethical Dimensions of Ageing, the launch of which was accompanied by a press conference, under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, the Cyprus Minister of Health, and the Cyprus Minister...

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France - Public debate on the law on bioethics (2018)

France has had specific legislation on bioethics issues since 1988, and since 2009 it has involved the public in public debates. Since 2011, the French law on bioethics stipulates that the National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE) organises public debates and consultations within the scope of...

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Portugal - Public debate on the end of life (2017)

The National Council of Ethics for the Life Sciences (CNECV) launched a national debate on end of life issues which included, in addition to euthanasia, several ethical questions related to end of life care. The initiative started in Lisbon in May 2017, followed by a series of public debates....

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Germany - Public discourse on genome editing (2019)

The project Genomchirurgie im gesellschaftlichen Diskurs (genome editing in societal discourse) aimed to stimulate public discussion regarding the ethical, legal and social aspects of new methods in genetic technology. The project is a cooperation between Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD) and the...

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