Назад Call for Tender

Photo: Shutterstock

Photo: Shutterstock

Purchase of the software for automation of the risk-based supervision of reporting entities by Ministry of Internal and Foreign Trade

The Council of Europe is currently implementing a Project on Countering of Economic Crime in Serbia. In that context, it is looking for a Provider for the implementation of an information system for analysis of money laundering and terrorist financing risks among real estate agents (see Section A of the contract) as a basis for risk-based supervision.

This project aims to improve the risk analysis and recording process for the purpose of AML/CFT (Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Financing of Terrorism), as well as the efficiency, availability, and transparency of data processing concerning licensed agents, thus facilitating regulation and monitoring of the real estate market. The procurement includes the development, implementation, testing, and maintenance of a software solution that will enable integration with existing systems, communication with supervised entities, high levels of data security, and adaptability to future technological advancements.

The procurement subject includes the development of a system for risk analysis of money laundering and terrorist financing among real estate agents for the needs of the Ministry of Internal and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Serbia (MUST).

Applications should be sent exclusively to this email address.

Strasbourg 2 July 2024
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Kancelariju Saveta Evrope u Beogradu je otvorio generalni sekretar 16. marta 2001. godine, kao mesto kontakta za saradnju sa tadašnjom Saveznom Republikom Jugoslavijom koja je podnela zahtev za članstvo u Savetu Evrope. Rad na zajedničkim projektima je već bio u toku. Od tada više nije ni prekidan.


Srbija je postala 45. članica Saveta Evrope u aprilu 2003. godine, što je predstavljalo događaj koji je bio prirodna posledica velikih političkih promena koje su se odigrale u jesen 2000. godine i koje su omogućile Srbiji da zauzme mesto koje joj pripada među demokratskim državama Evrope.


Preko Kancelarije u Beogradu, Savet Evrope nastavlja da pomaže zemlji u procesu demokratskih reformi i evropskih integracija. Poslednjih godina, Kancelarija je, u bliskoj saradnji sa vlastima u Srbiji, podržala reforme demokratskih institucija, vladavinu prava, ljudska i manjinska prava, uključujući prava Roma i LGBTI zajednica, lokalnu i regionalnu samoupravu. Kancelarija je takođe pomagala u saradnji vezanoj za ekonomska, socijalna, kulturna, naučna, pravna i administrativna pitanja i u očuvanju i daljem ostvarivanju ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda. I nastavlja to da čini.

75 godina Saveta Evrope



Liflet Kancelarije Saveta Evrope u Beogradu