Назад Equipping education professionals in Serbia with specific indicators to detect child trafficking

Equipping education professionals in Serbia with specific indicators to detect child trafficking

The multi-sector working group for the revision of the existing indicators for preliminary identification of potential child victims of trafficking in human beings by education professionals held its third and last meeting on 2 July 2021 in Belgrade. The working group was established by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development with the support of the action “Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings in Serbia“.

The members, representatives of the Ministries of the Education, Interior, Health, Social affairs, as well as representatives of school director and pedagogists boards, civils society organisations Atina and Astra, held vivid discussions on the revised indicators. Education professionals were consulted and provided input in June 2021.

The purpose of the revision of the indicators is to equip education professionals with a tool for risk assessment and early detection of children who are potential victims of trafficking in human beings. Education professionals will be enabled to prevent instances of trafficking among children and to recognize and refer potential child victims to competent authorities. The new indicators consider the child’s behaviour, his or her physical appearance, health, communication, relationships, and environment.

After the endorsement of the indicators by the Ministry of Education, education professionals will receive training and increase their capacity to use this tool. Providing reliable and specific indicators as well as defining clear and operational procedures in cases of suspicion will contribute to improving the prevention and fight against child trafficking in Serbia by education professionals.

The members of the working group had the opportunity to watch videos containing child-friendly anti-trafficking massages, produced by NGOs “World of Words” and Atina /Centre for Child Rights through grants for raising awareness on child trafficking in Serbia.

The action „Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings in Serbia“ is part of the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”.

Belgrade 6 July 2021
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O projektu

Šta je cilj?

► Podrška primeni preporuka donetih na osnovu rezultata monitoringa sprovođenja Konvencije Saveta Evrope o borbi protiv trgovine ljudima. To pre svega obuhvata preporuke za poboljšanje identifikacije, zaštite i pomoći žrtvama trgovine ljudima i licima u rizičnim situacijama.

Ko ima koristi od projekta?

► Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova - Kancelarija za koordinaciju aktivnosti u borbi protiv trgovine ljudima, Ministarstvo za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja - Inspektorat za rad i Centar za zaštitu žrtava trgovine ljudima, Ministarstvo obrazovanja, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja, Ministarstvo zdravlja, Pravosudna akademija; Organizacije civilnog društva; Predstavnici privatnog sektora, uključujući preduzeća i sindikate;
► Žrtve trgovine ljudima i lica koja se nalaze u ranjivom položaju ili rizičnoj situaciji, naročito deca i žene.

Kako će se projekat sprovoditi?

► Istraživanje i podrška sektorskoj politici;
► Multidisciplinarna obuka;
► Seminari;
► Događaji organizovani sa ciljem podizanja nivoa svesti o ovoj temi.

Koje rezultate očekujemo?

► Poboljšano otkrivanje i identifikovanje žrtava trgovine ljudima u svrhu radne eksploatacije i pomoć tim žrtvama;
► Poboljšano otkrivanje i identifikovanje dece žrtava trgovine ljudima i pomoć toj deci;
► Inspektori rada i drugi ključni akteri u borbi protiv trgovine ljudima uključeni su u identifikaciju žrtava trgovine ljudima i njihovo upućivanje na dobijanje pomoći i zaštite;
► Povišena svest svih aktera, uključujući širu javnosti i predstavnike privatnog sektora, o posebnim ranjivostima koje izaziva trgovina ljudima i o pravima lica koja su žrtve te trgovine.

Koliki je budžet projekta?

► Ukupni budžet projekta je 750.000 evra
► Budžet koji je opredeljen za program Horizontal Facility iznosi oko 41 milion evra (85% od tih sredstava obezbeđuje Evropska unija, dok 15% obezbeđuje Savet Evrope).
Kako da dobijemo više informacija?
► Kancelarija Saveta Evrope u Beogradu, vebsajt: https://www.coe.int/en/web/belgrade Horizontal Facility vebsajt: https://pjp-eu.coe.int/en/web/horizontal-facility/home
► Mirjana Majstorović, službenica na projektu, Mirjana.Majstorovic@coe.int
► Marija Simić, službenica za komunikacije programa Horizontal Facility, Marija.SIMIC@coe.int,
+381 63 601 337
Besnik Baka, službenik za komunikacije programa Horizontal Facility, Besnik.Baka@coe.int,
+355 69 217 8430

Horizontal Facility II
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