Назад DITUTTI Strategy


"D come Diritti, D come 'Di-tutti'" embodies Reggio Emilia's identity as a city of rights for all, where diversity is embraced, and no one feels estranged. It envisions the city as a place of encounter, where the richness of voices, cultures, approaches, origins, and sensitivities can be perceived and valued. This initiative aims to foster a community that engages with diversity, transforming differences into opportunities for educational, economic, social, and cultural growth. This initiative aims to turn differences into opportunities for growth across education, economy, society, and culture. By promoting citizenship, creativity, knowledge, culture, dialogue, and intercultural exchange, the city aims to harness its diversity. Recognizing migrations, both internal and external, as integral parts of its history and contemporary fabric, Reggio Emilia strives to be an intercultural community that generates connections among diverse realities. By embracing citizenship, creativity, knowledge, culture, dialogue, and intercultural exchange, the city aims to harmonize and capitalize on its diversity, acknowledging that cultural identity is ever evolving. To this end, "Ditutti" represents a participatory and active journey facilitated by the Municipal Administration, in collaboration with the Mondinsieme Foundation, to expand networks and connections among formal and informal entities in the territory, promoting intercultural dialogue.


Reggio Emilia is envisioned as a city of encounter, where the multiplicity and plurality of voices, cultures, approaches, origins, and sensitivities can be perceived. As a community attentive to differences, it strives to be a city "Ditutti," where no one should feel alienated. The rationale behind this initiative lies in fostering inclusivity, respect for diversity, and a sense of belonging among all residents, irrespective of their backgrounds.

The strategy has five main areas of intervention:

  1. Intercultural education for citizenship and multilingualism. This area focuses on promoting intercultural education, emphasizing interaction and relationship-building among diverse cultures. By integrating intercultural education with citizenship education, it aims to develop constructive coexistence skills within a culturally diverse society, referred to as intercultural competencies.
  2. Diversity Lab. The Diversity Lab aims to recognize and enhance the potential of an intercultural society in relation to new plural economies and processes of open innovation. Plural economies refer to a territory's ability to address diverse needs through various models that combine economic value production with relational and community dimensions. The initiative targets not only businesses and commercial activities but also civic collaborative spaces.
  3. Diaspora and international networks. Diaspora associations play a crucial role in fostering development cooperation in their home countries, impacting various sectors like economy, society, culture, and politics. Through initiatives like remittances and migrant entrepreneurship, they contribute significantly to transnational social capital and human resources. Italian Cooperation has identified "migration and development" as a priority across sectors.
  4. Dialogue between religions and spirituality. Promoting interreligious dialogue is crucial for fostering mutual understanding in diverse communities. Establishing open spaces for dialogue helps recognize the social value of spirituality, encourages participation in community projects, and contributes to conflict prevention.
  5. Democracy and Intercultural Participation. Social cohesion in local communities is closely tied to the ability to promote intercultural participation within the city fabric. Alongside the appreciation of the cultural contributions of migration and the implementation of social and economic inclusion pathways, investing in initiatives to support and encourage interaction among communities and individuals with migrant backgrounds settled in the area becomes crucial. This process aims to promote encounters and collaborative pathways. The interconnection of proposals and cultural initiatives promoted by communities is indeed an integral part of the intercultural process.


The "Ditutti" program, promoted by the municipal administration and implemented in collaboration with the Mondinsieme Foundation, unfolds through a synergy of actions aimed at promoting citizenship, creativity, knowledge, culture, dialogue, and intercultural exchange. It involves constant dialogue and collective engagement among various social, cultural, educational, and economic entities in Reggio Emilia, including associations, institutions, schools, and businesses. The program is structured into five overarching domains, each comprising a series of objectives, actions, and projects intended to be realized over the course of the administration's mandate.

The strategic document for intercultural policies in the city underwent a comprehensive process of consultation and approval. It was first discussed with the mayor and the Executive Committee, followed by deliberations in the Council Commission on Equal Opportunities, International Relations, and Human Rights. Subsequently, the document was thoroughly reviewed and approved in the City Council.  Afterward, Ditutti was integrated into the Municipality's Single Programming Document. To ensure broad participation and engagement, the document was presented to citizens through an online event held during the Covid-19 period. Furthermore, Ditutti was shared with various relevant stakeholders, including the assembly of the Mondinsieme intercultural centre, the Human Rights Coordination of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, and the network Diritto di Parola, which comprises associations involved in Italian language education. Additionally, it was presented in several public meetings and distributed to all directors, officers, and employees of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia.


The impact of the DiTutti strategy is expected to be multifaceted. It aims to foster a more inclusive and cohesive community where diversity is celebrated and respected. By promoting citizenship, dialogue, and intercultural exchange, it seeks to create a more vibrant and dynamic social fabric in Reggio Emilia. Additionally, the program is anticipated to enhance mutual understanding, collaboration, and social cohesion among residents of diverse backgrounds, thereby contributing to the overall well-being and prosperity of the city.

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