Назад Migrant stories


During COVID, the City of Erlangen, Germany, made a point of uplifting the stories of contributions by people with migrant backgrounds via their website and communications. These ranged from sewing and donating masks, to video keep-fit courses, helping neighbours to shop, telephone counselling, and cooking for the Erlangen hospitals. This is similar to the 2020 UNHCR video that uses a narrative of refugee ‘heroes’ but includes in the montage not only images of life-saving refugee doctors but also refugees going to the supermarket for elderly neighbours or undertaking other everyday acts of kindness. There is also a clear emphasis on host-refugee cooperation and shared humanity: ‘Because everyone needs help sometimes…’


The main idea was to uplifting the stories of contributions by people with migrant backgrounds with a focus on host-refugee cooperation and shared humanity.


The stories were collected by the Integration Coordination Office and shown via their website and communication of the City of Erlangen.


By showing and communicating the stories of people with migrant backgrounds, Cooperation between hosts and refugees and shared humanity could be shown.

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