Назад Workshops and free music lessons help maintain the diversity in Limassol’s schools

Through the project “Limassol – one city, the whole world”, the Municipality of Limassol is realising the programme “Intervention to schools” through which teams are set up to promote the cooperation between families from third countries and teachers through the implementation of experiential workshops, with the objective to develop the social skills of the children. The pilot programme, which is in place in three schools, is expected to be expanded to other schools as of September 2020.

The municipality also runs a special music-education programme called “Multi-coloured Music” supported by private and municipal funds, where teachers from the municipal music school visit public schools in the afternoon hours and provide free music lessons to children from deprived urban areas. The exchanges with schools with different ethnic, cultural, or social background strengthen the cooperation and collaboration skills of the children through creative activities. Within the framework of the EU funded DRAsis Sholikis ke kinonikis Entaxis (DRASE) programme run by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth, the Gymnasium of Agios Antonis runs anti-racism extra-curricular classes under the title “Mosaic”, where the teachers work with socially diverse students (including children of migrant background and mixed families) to fight racism and increase to awareness about other cultures. The DRASE programme additionally aims at facing various social challenges for diverse social groups, including migrants and asylum seekers, to which the municipality and the school board provide different kinds of support.

Additionally, the municipality of Limassol runs the Bi-communal Social Centre supporting youngsters from deprived areas in extracurricular activities, cultural and sport activities.

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