
“Zambujal Gets Better!” - project


Purpose: The Programme “Zambujal Gets Better” was brought into life in partnership with the Municipality of Amadora, the Institute of Housing and Urban Renewal and with the Intercultural School of Professions and Sports (Amadora) and it was approved by the Management Committee of Lisbon Regional...

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A welcoming app


Purpose: The Portuguese Network of Intercultural Cities (RPCI) has developed an app called Portugal Incoming. The app launched in 2019 is a major practical contribution to the integration of migrants in Portugal, bringing all relevant information on how to navigate the Portuguese services and...

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Amadora Empreende


The Programme “Amadora Empreende” seeks to identify, in association with the youth and people in situations of social vulnerability, individual entrepreneurial initiatives by providing the necessary conditions for developing a business idea. There are two distinct points of action: “A Incubadora...

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Don’t Feed the Rumour

From September 2014 to May 2015 (still ongoing as part of the municipal strategy for promoting interculturality)

“Immigrants are linked to crime and radicalisation”, “immigrants live off grants from the state” or “foreign children only bring problems to the schools”, are just a few of the rumours spread about immigrants. The campaign “Do not feed the rumour” aims to fight against stereotypes, prejudices and...

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Fostering inclusive recruitment: project report and Guidebook for Employers

April to November 2021

Purpose: Through the project “Inclusive Recruitment” the Portuguese municipalities of Amadora, Loures and Oeiras worked on ways and means to encourage Portuguese employers to hire migrants and newcomers, taking advantage of diversity. The project was an initiative of these 3 cities, but managed...

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Welcoming guide - communication


Purpose: In order to further enhance the work on Welcoming, and to encourage a positive perception of diversity and a participatory approach to citizenship, the municipality of Amadora has prepared and launched a “Welcoming Guide for the Migrant Population” in 2020. The guide gathers information...

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Democratic citizenship in Ansan


Under the Public Official Election Act of the Republic of Korea, only Korean nationals aged 25 or older may run for a local election. Those with foreign nationality are not allowed to be a candidate although they are entitled to vote in local elections three years after the acquisition of...

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Promoting multilingualism in a multicultural city


Ansan City offers Korean language education for non-nationals. The city itself runs Korean language education programmes while commissioning private organisations to complete the offer. There is a course in preparation for the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK), which is considered a necessity...

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The Intercultural acceptance survey to build intercultural competence skills


The Republic of Korea conducts a triannual survey of locals on their intercultural acceptance. The findings from the survey serve as reference data for policy development. To ensure even more precise information analysis, Ansan City plans to conduct its own intercultural acceptance survey once a...

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An ‘Integrated Area Plan’

2017 onwards

Purpose: Auckland Council engages with South Auckland’s communities to prepare for future developments in their area. Stimulus/Rationale: When proposing a change, Auckland Council partners with appropriate community organisations to engage with the communities affected. In 2017, the Council...

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Auckland Council as an Inclusive Workplace

2022 onwards

Purpose: Auckland Council has an inclusive workplace where all people can feel valued and respected, work flexibly and be part of an organisation that acts as a champion of diversity and inclusion. Stimulus/Rationale: Auckland Council is committed to creating an inclusive workplace where all...

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Auckland’s intercultural elections

2017 onwards

Purpose: Initiatives to encourage minority communities to engage in political life. Stimulus/Rationale: Local elections take place in New Zealand every three years. Since 2016 Auckland’s election campaigns have been developed to appeal to those traditionally less likely to vote. Process: In 2016...

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Auckland’s minority advisory bodies

2018 onwards

Purpose: Advisory bodies in Auckland to represent cultural minorities and deal with diversity matters. Stimulus/Rationale: The Independent Māori Statutory Board (IMSB) is mandated through legislation to ensure Auckland Council takes the views of Māori in Auckland into account when making...

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Auckland’s Research and Monitoring Unit

2018 onwards

Purpose: Assisting policy development in Auckland through environmental, social, economic and cultural research. Stimulus/Rationale: The Research and Evaluation Unit, RIMU part of Auckland Council's Auckland Plan, Strategy and Research department in the Chief Planning Office, is the Council’s...

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Auckland’s support for its diverse entrepreneurs

2018 onwards

Purpose: Programmes, competitions and spaces that encourage innovation and collaboration amongst Aucklanders from all kinds of backgrounds. Stimulus/Rationale: Tātaki Auckland Unlimited 's diverse teams work closely with the region's business, creative, cultural, education, conservation, sporting...

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Nga Kete Akoranga (NKA)

2018 onwards

Purpose: Promoting cultural competence amongst Auckland’s staff: A training programme for staff to respond effectively to Māori people. Stimulus/Rationale: The implementation of a refreshed Ngā Kete Akoranga programme is key to developing a workforce that can respond to the needs and aspirations...

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Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week)

2018 onwards

Purpose: A celebration of the culture and language of the 700,000 Māori people living in New Zealand. Stimulus/Rationale: As an intercultural City, Auckland celebrates and encourages the use of minority languages. The Auckland Council’s Māori Language Policy sets principles for how the Council...

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The Auckland Plan 2050


Purpose: ‘Fostering an inclusive Auckland where everyone belongs’ Stimulus/Rationale: The Auckland Plan 2050 outlines a 30-year strategy for Auckland to tackle three key challenges: Population growth and its implications (pressures on communities, environment, housing and roads) Sharing...

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The Champions for Change Network

2018 on

Many of Auckland’s senior leaders are part of the nation-wide Champions for Change Network, a group of Chief Executives and Chairs from the public and private sector who are committed to raising the value of diversity and inclusiveness throughout the wider business community. This network takes...

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The Inclusive Auckland Framework

2019 onwards

Purpose: Fully committed to the principles of the Intercultural Cities Network. Stimulus/Rationale: Auckland Council's Inclusive Auckland Framework outlines an organization-wide change programme led by the Diversity and Inclusion Team to improve diversity and inclusion outcomes for Aucklanders...

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The Quality of Life Framework

2010 onwards

Purpose: Monitoring public perceptions of quality of life, including community, culture and social networks. Stimulus/Rationale: Auckland Council collaborates with other New Zealand councils to manage, fund and administrate the Quality of Life Project which asks residents about perceptions of...

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The Welcoming Communities Initiative

2018 onwards

Purpose: A joint central and local government programme implemented by councils across New Zealand to welcome newcomers. Stimulus/Rationale: Auckland Council, ATEED (now Tātaki Auckland Unlimited) and Immigration New Zealand (a central government agency responsible for bringing people to New...

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Harmony Fest

2010 onwards

Purpose: A unique festival to encourage its citizens to meet and get to know each other Process: Since it was launched in 2010, Harmony Fest has become the City of Ballarat’s vibrant diversity celebration. Harmony Fest wraps around Harmony Day, the United Nation’s International Day for the...

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Intercultural Ambassadors

2010 onwards

Purpose: A unique festival to encourage its citizens to meet and get to know each other Stimulus/Rationale: The Intercultural Ambassador Program aims to enhance community awareness and social acceptance in Ballarat, foster leadership within multicultural and Indigenous communities, and highlight...

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Intercultural Interaction: collective healing and memory of this time


Purpose: Using storytelling to build connections, address fears and ease anxiety. Stimulus/Rationale: In 2020 the Cities of Ballarat, Melton and Maribyrnong launched a Storytelling project involving a series of three remotely delivered workshops that focused on how the art of storytelling can be...

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Reconciliation Action Plan

May 2019 – May 2021

Purpose: Raising awareness about reconciliation, demonstrating commitment and raising the profile of reconciliation in the community. Process: The City of Ballarat have developed and Innovative Reconciliation Action Plan May 2019 – May 2021. This plan demonstrates an organisational commitment to...

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Since 2017

Purpose: #BCNvsODI is nowadays a platform for dissemination and awareness-raising in the fight against hate speech, both online and offline, with information, materials and pedagogical, informative and analytical resources for citizens. Stimulus/Rationale: Barcelona is a diverse city committed to...

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A pioneer plan to combat Islamophobia

Since 2017

Purpose: The City Council of Barcelona adopted a plan to prevent hate crimes, raise awareness and provide victim support services. The Plan aims at raising awareness on Islamophobia as a serious form of discrimination and recognising the religious, political and cultural diversity of the...

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Anissa programme

Since 2014

Purpose: The Annisa programme is a project focused on the participation and interaction of Pakistani communities and the Besós neighbourhood in the district of Sant Martí. The programme is funded by Barcelona City Council. Following a public invitation to tender, it is currently being run by...

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Barcelona Centre for Linguistic Normalisation

CNL was founded in 1988

Purpose: The Consortium for Linguistic Normalisation (CPNL) is a public body created from the common will of the Regional Government and numerous local, county and provincial councils with the aim of facilitating the knowledge, use and dissemination of the Catalan language in all areas and...

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Barcelona Intercultural Plans

2010 - ongoing

Purpose: The Barcelona Intercultural Plan (2010) was a mandate of the City Council’s Immigration Working Plan 2008 and its main goal was to define a clear intercultural policy strategy about how the city faces the challenges posed by the increase in sociocultural diversity for the next 15 years....

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Barcelona Municipal Immigration and Refuge Council

Since 1997

Purpose: The Barcelona Municipal Immigration Council (Consell Municipal d'Immigració de Barcelona, CMIB) is an advisory and participatory body of the Barcelona City Council and was established in 1997 with the aim of contributing to the achievement of equal rights and opportunities for people...

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Barcelona’s Neighbourhood Plan

Since 2017

Purpose: The Neighbourhoods Plan (Pla de Barris) is a municipal initiative that implements social, economic, and urban actions to reduce inequalities between the city's neighbourhoods. It is an integral and intensive public policy aimed at combating the causes and addressing the effects of urban...

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Close to Culture: Art, music and theatre prevent social exclusion and promote the democratisation of culture

Since 2006

Purpose: Apropa Cultura (Close to Culture) is a network of cultural facilities, such as theatres, concert halls, festivals and museums, whose main purpose is to encourage inclusiveness promoting cultural activities and events. Stimulus/Rationale: Agropa Cultura (Close to Culture) philosophy is...

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Data collection and analysis to counteract discrimination: the case of Barcelona Discrimination Observatory

From 2018 - ongoing

  Purpose: The Barcelona Discrimination Observatory works, since 2018, to make visible any situations of discrimination in the city, and to contribute to the scale and design of the actions required to address such situations. Stimulus/Rationale: The observatory is a partnership initiative...

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Espai Avinyó

2011 - ongoing

Purpose: The Espai Avinyó aims to be a dialogue and a meeting space for promoting reflection on what cultural diversity implies in every sphere of society and on the challenges involved in exchanging knowledge from various parts of the world. Its goal is to boost the principles of...

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Intercultural public space

since 2021

Purpose: The purpose of these actions is to encourage the creation of spaces and opportunities for positive interaction and the generation of ties and relationships on equal terms. Stimulus/Rationale: The increase in cultural diversity has brought about, amongst other factors, new and old ways of...

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Knowledge Cartography

Since 2012

Purpose: The project ‘Cartografía de Conocimientos’ (Knowledge Cartography) was born in 2012 aimed at approaching health and education from an intercultural perspective. It is a project that works for social transformation based on equitable intercultural coexistence. The fields of action are...

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Mainstreaming the intercultural perspective in Barcelona districts

Since 2018

Purpose: Mainstreaming the intercultural perspective into the work of all the districts. Stimulus/Rationale: The Barcelona Interculturality Plan (2021-2030) states that Barcelona can only progress towards becoming a more intercultural city based on public policies designed in accordance with...

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Measure to promote the participation of people with diverse cultural and native backgrounds in Barcelona participation areas

Since 2016

Purpose: The main purpose of this Government Measure is to make active “citizenship” real, enabling participation for all inhabitants of the city. This action emphasises and draws attention on generating mechanisms to promote the participation of people with different and diverse cultural and...

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Mediation is a priority in Barcelona

Purpose: Different mediation services are in place with the aim of providing resources to municipal service professionals to facilitate intercultural communication and to prevent and resolve conflicts that may arise in relations between people and groups with different cultural backgrounds. Its...

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Office for Non-Discrimination (OND)

Since 1998

Purpose: The Office for Non-Discrimination is accordingly designed as the municipal service for dealing with, advising on, mediating over and penalising (where legally possible) discriminatory situations and for providing information and training and raising awareness on rights and duties...

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Promoting multilingualism

Purpose: A language learning programme recognising and promoting the linguistic diversity in Barcelona’s neighbourhoods was launched to: foster multilingualism in the city and within the educational system, enable and strengthen links between the educational community – schools and Families’...

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Pròxim: Access to the labour market

  Purpose: Pròxim Programme is a social and labour insertion programme for people in an irregular administrative situation that could be regularised. The objectives are: To increase the level of employability and competence as well as the degree of autonomy, personal security and empowerment of...

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Roma school promoters

Since 2014

Purpose: To address the inequalities in the education system through a “school promoters” project. The School Promoters aims to achieve full schooling, school success and the socio-labour promotion of Roma students and to promote the visibility and values of Roma culture within the school...

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Schools for equality and diversity

Since 2014

Purpose: To promote a quality education system that is inclusive and promotes equal opportunities for all students. More precisely, to build capacity of teachers on the prevention of violence and discrimination. Stimulus/Rationale: The programme is aimed at preventing violence and discrimination...

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The Office for Religious Affairs: a comprehensive approach

Since 2005

Purpose: The Office of Religious Affairs (OAR) of the Barcelona City Council is a municipal service whose main objective is to serve as a reference point for religious and spiritual matters, as well as everything related to religious entities and communities and their beliefs in the city of...

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Since 2012

Purpose: The XEIX project aims at promoting commercial associations as a meeting point and generation of neighbourhood identity. The project is about fostering intercultural relations in multi-ethnic districts through raising the level of interaction of businesses with each other and their...

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Action Plan for Inclusion and Diversity

2018-2022 (still in use)

Purpose: The city council of Bergen wanted to formally adopt a public statement of its intentions as an Intercultural city. Stimulus/Rationale: The primary driver for this initiative was political commitment. The municipality wanted to design and implement an intercultural city policy that...

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Bergen – a safe city for LGBTI refugees and citizens with migrant background


Purpose: As part of the plan The Rainbow City of Bergen: Plan for gender and sexual diversity 2023-2027, the city of Bergen includes information about the importance of taking responsibility for LGBTIQ+ refugees. Stimulus/Rationale: Many immigrants in Bergen come from countries with a different...

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Bergen Inclusion Center


Purpose: To create a new Inclusion Centre, bringing all essential activities under one roof at an attractive location. Stimulus/Rationale: To co-locate inclusion services, which have previously been in different parts of the city. The new Centre, located in a former teacher training college, will...

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EMPO Multicultural Resource Center


Purpose: The EMPO Multicultural Resource Center acts as a resource centre for migrants through providing information and counselling that enable participants to develop their own resources to understand the codes of Norwegian society, through learning Norwegian language, meeting local people, and...

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Fargespil (Kaleidoscope)


Purpose: To foster experiences of both alikeness and the richness of diversity by bringing different young actors representing different national music and dance traditions together in a musical meeting and ensemble that creates professional performances for the public. The result is an intimate,...

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Generational Dialog

2022 -

Purpose: The project aims to create a better basis for communication between generations (i.e., between “second-generation” children born and living in a foreign country and parents that migrated later in their life and want to keep connections with their culture of origin) that involves...

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Inclusive Housing in Bergen


Purpose: This overall intention by the city and municipality of Bergen is to provide residences for migrants and refugees by ensuring access to both social housing and private sector housing. Furthermore, the municipality controls that housing for refugees does not convert into urban segregation....

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Integration project for newly arrived refugees with urban farming


Purpose: The project aims to create sustainability through urban farming and distributing the harvest of urban farming to restaurants, and to integrate newly arrived refugees by involving them in this project to enable them to develop business ideas for urban farming and enhance their social...

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Ciljane inicijative za podatke o jednakosti

Pokretanje debate, omogućavanje razumevanja i stimulisanje akcije kroz istraživanje strukturalnog rasizma u Bergenu


Svrha: Ovu istraživačku inicijativu preduzela je opština Bergen kako bi utvrdila kako manjinsko etničko stanovništvo doživljava način na koji se prema njima ophode gradske službe i kako doživljavaju život u Bergenu. Postojao je interes da se uoče narativi manjinskih etničkih grupa i da se čuje...

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The “Second chance”: work qualification centre for migrants


Purpose: To give a “second chance” to refugees and other migrants who do not succeed in completing the professional, social and language training within the two years of the introduction programme (or other programmes). Stimulus/Rationale: The Second Chance programme is mainly aimed at ensuring...

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The anti-radicalisation programme

2015-2020 / 2021-25

Purpose: The aim of the programme is to prevent radicalisation, hate crimes and violent extremism. Through providing correct information, the municipality endeavours to avoid religious stigmatisation and prejudice, polarization and manipulation of information, and the spreading of conspiracy...

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The programme for unaccompanied minors (UAM)


Purpose: The purpose of the programme is to provide ongoing support and housing for unaccompanied children and young people, e.g. to include them in the Norwegian education system and help them access job opportunities. Stimulus/Rationale: There are huge socioeconomic, educational and emotional...

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The public library: a place for social dialogue


Purpose: The Public Library of Bergen aims to facilitate a learning hub centred around language and intercultural meetings between Norwegian residents and new-comers. Stimulus/Rationale: The motivation behind the initiative is to enhance the inclusion and integration of new-comers in Norwegian...

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Give Something Back to Berlin

2012 onwards

Purpose: A social enterprise that treats refugees not as victims but bringers of diversity advantage Process: The “Give Something Back to Berlin” (GSBTB) foundation is a fine example of a civil society initiative that thinks “out of the box” and actively combats negative refugee stereotyping....

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Campus Rütli

2016 onwards

Purpose: A segregated and failing school is transformed into a centre of educational excellence   Stimulus/Rationale: The Rütli school had become notorious all over Germany in 2006, when the national press had reported a general climate of insecurity, as well as some incidents that had occurred...

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Conseil pour l’immigration de Berlin-Neukölln (« Migrationsbeirat »)

à partir 2016

But : Un conseil spécial consacré aux migrants vivant à Neukölln. Structure: Processus : Berlin-Neukölln a créé une instance spécialement dédiée aux migrants qui vivent à Neukölln au sein de son conseil municipal: le Conseil pour l’immigration. Il représente les intérêts des migrants dans tous...

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District Mothers


Purpose: Migrant mothers reaching out to and integrating other migrant mothers Stimulus/Rationale: Process: The “Stadtteilmütter” (District Mothers) project is targeted at areas under Neighbourhood Management with a high proportion of children and young people from the most disadvantaged...

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Interkulcultural Mediation at the Rixdorfer Primary School

2018 onwards

Purpose: Mediating between cultures and languages to promote intercultural integration at schools Stimulus/Rationale: Process: Berlin-Neukölln supports the organisation “LebensWelt” (“Living Environment”) in its intercultural mediation project at the Rixdorfer Primary School in Neukölln, which is...

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Nachbarschaftsheim Neukölln

2016 onwards

Purpose: Community centre that encourages active and informed citizens Stimulus/Rationale: Process: Nachbarschaftsheim Neukölln is a community centre which aims to facilitate social cohesion and discouraging negative attitudes, such as prejudices and stereotypes. The community centre offers a...

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Neukölln publishes "Normalising Integration - Living together in an intercultural metropolis"


Purpose: Policy and principles for an intercultural city Stimulus/Rationale: Process: "Normalising Integration - Living together in an intercultural metropolis" is both a comprehensive policy document and a set of principles of good governance that the district of Neukölln has adopted as an...

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Peer-to-Peer Project Addiction Aid for Refugees

2017 onwards

Purpose: Drug prevention for refugees Stimulus/Rationale: Process: The project targets refugees and provides training in drug prevention and addiction aid. The training programme is elaborated within an intercultural and participative dialogue with the peer helpers. It enables help to be given to...

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Schilleria Girl´s Café - PolitTalk (Schilleria Mädchentreff)

2017 onwards

Purpose: Promotion of the political participation of young women Stimulus/Rationale: Process: The Schilleria Girl´s Café is addressed at girls and young women, most of whom have a migrant background and are socially and educationally disadvantaged. Due to the increasing success of right-wing...

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The Intercultural Calendar

2018 onwards

Purpose: A calendar for different religious, cultural and international celebrations Stimulus/Rationale: Process: Together with the integration representatives of each Berlin district, Neukölln co-manages Berlin’s Intercultural Calendar that integrates the various holidays and feasts celebrated...

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Women in intercultural dialogue

2018 onwards

Purpose: A space for mothers from different background to share, learn and to pass onto their children. Stimulus/Rationale: Process: Berlin-Neukölln supports the organisation “LebensWelt” (“Living Environment”) in its project “Frauen im interkulturellen Dialog” (“Women in intercultural...

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Anti-rumour toolkit for young people

Since 2017

Purpose: This manual aims to provide a specific response to professional teams (educators, teachers, tutors, etc.) who work with young people in order to be able to develop anti-Rumour actions and dynamics autonomously in different work and socialisation spaces. The handbook includes a...

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Anti-Rumour Web App

Since 2014

Purpose: A game to raise awareness of rumours and stereotypes that negatively affect coexistence in Bilbao. Rationale: Awareness-raising and the fight against discrimination is a priority line of intervention within the framework of local strategies for managing diversity and promoting...

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Bilbao Immigration Council

Since 2011

Purpose: The Immigration Council of the Bilbao City Council was created with the vocation of supporting immigrants in their capacity to organise, dialogue, and make proposals for the formulation of public policies and initiatives. It is a collegial body that has consultative and informative...

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Bilbao, City of Values

From 2016 - ongoing

Purpose: Bilbao, City of Values is a project that aims to generate a space for analysis, dialogue, reflection, and collaborative work among institutions, social entities, companies, media, schools, and citizens for the promotion of a framework of shared values in the city of Bilbao....

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Creative anti-rumour writing

Since 2017

Purpose: To raise public awareness, prevent and address the formation of prejudices and stereotypes linked to migration and cultural diversity through creative writing. Rationale: This initiative is part of the city anti-Rumour strategy (ARS), launched in 2013. Indeed, the idea behind it is to...

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2017 - ongoing

Purpose: Diversitours is a project to promote intercultural coexistence through urban tours that reflect the positive impact of cultural diversity in cities. Guided walks with an intercultural perspective were developed in the Els Orriols neighbourhood. The aim is to perceive and experience the...

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III Bilbao Intercultural City Plan

From 2021 to 2027

Purpose: The III Bilbao Intercultural City Plan aims to guide public policies, from an intercultural perspective, in order to strengthen social cohesion and urban development in the city. To this end, the City Council intends to initiate and continue a series of public initiatives (policies,...

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Local Forum for religious diversity


Since 2012, the Local forum for religious diversity promotes the exercise of freedom of conscience and religion in a context of citizens’ coexistence in diversity and in human rights’ promotion. The project is a forum for dialogue and meetings between representatives of the Consistory and the...

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Women, Health and Violence

Since 2008

Purpose: This programme seeks to empower women from all origins and socio-cultural backgrounds in Bilbao through the promotion of health and the prevention of gender-based violence. It aims to fight against the multiple discrimination to which migrant women in Bilbao are exposed. There are two...

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Somalia Bandy


Purpose: The purpose is to use sports as a means for social integration of young Somali refugees, especifically the ice hockey form Bandy. Stimulus/Rationale: The team was set up by a local entrepreneur from Borlänge, a city of 41 000 inhabitants, of which 3 000 are Somalian refugees. The...

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Botkyrka: Anti-Rumour Cafés – Stop the Rumour


Purpose: The Anti-Rumours Cafés, now called Stop The Rumour (Stop Ryktet) and are carried out for the municipality of Botkyrka by the environmental and social impact agency The Good Tribe that set up cafés in libraries as a public platform to discuss and explore rumours and prejudices among...

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Bottkyrka: Anti-Discrimination Bureau


Purpose: Anti-Discrimination Bureaux are independent non-governmental organisations; the local Anti-Discrimination Bureau in Bottkyrka is funded by the municipality of Bottkyrka and offers assistance to people who experience discrimination. They explain people about their rights, assist them to...

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Council for civil society development


Purpose: Civil society organizations working in the social field and organised in the network “Platform for local NGOs’ in Botkyrka” and politicians from Botkyrka have established a joint Council for civil society development with the main objective to create a forum for intercultural dialogue...

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Equality Planning


Purpose: The municipal council in Botkyrka has developed specific systems to advance the goal of an equal Botkyrka and give expression to its values that include: citizen-focus, diversity as an asset, staff competence, flexibility and adaptability of organisation, and commitment to realising...

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Mångkulturellt Centre, Fittja


The Multicultural Centre is a municipal foundation engaged in research, education and cultural activities. The ambitions and goals of the centre is to study and promote a society where diversity is reflected in Sweden’s national self-image and where migration is a natural part of the Swedish...

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Refugee reception and integration policies- pilot project


Purpose: The purpose of the pilot project for Refugee reception was to offer answers to questions about how intercultural integration and reception should be handled in the city in order to promote sustainable development, social unity and a sense of community. Stimulus/Rationale: Botkyrka is a...

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Research Circles

Concept A research circle is a methodology to enable in-depth, participative, and longer-term examination of an issue. It was piloted in Botkyrka to examine issues of racism and discrimination, in 2013. A research circle brings together a set group of residents, from various groups and areas,...

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"Citizen Coin Bradford"


Purpose: The city of Bradford (United Kingdom) has developed a project called “Citizen Coin Bradford” as part of the “Stronger Communities Partnership’s Strategy and Delivery plan” as one of its goals to increase civic participation. This means getting more people from all backgrounds to connect...

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Bradford for Everyone or how to create a more inclusive city for all


Purpose: To create an inclusive city for all Stimulus/Rationale: Bradford Council is pioneering new ways to end segregation by bringing together people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds in schools, workplaces and shared public spaces. Process: Spearheading this effort is the...

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Bradford’s People Library


Purpose: To show there is always more to a human ‘book’ than just its cover. Stimulus/Rationale: Process: Bradford’s People Library is an ever-growing and fascinating collection of human ‘books’, all with their own interesting, surprising and inspirational stories to tell. Showcasing both the...

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Fans for diversity: inclusion through a community of football supporters


  Purpose: Increasing the diversity and inclusion of all football fans and strengthening ties in the community. Stimulus/Rationale: A Bradford City Football supporters group, the Bangla Bantams, is leading the way in the United Kingdom in increasing diversity and inclusion of all football fans,...

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Inclusive Public services


Purpose: Ensuring inclusive public services for newcomers Stimulus/Rationale: The Bradford for Everyone strategy is based on everyone in Bradford being valuable and that everyone is enriched and stronger when connected, understood, belongs, feels safe and can reach their full potential. Process:...

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Roma Strategy for the Bradford District (2021-2025)


Purpose: The aim of the Bradford District Roma Strategy is to improve engagement between statutory public services and the Roma community – through working with the community. Stimulus/Rationale: Process: The first step was to map the existing provision for the Roma community and identify gaps...

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Shared Values

2022 onwards

Purpose: Identifying shared values to build stronger communities Stimulus/Rationale: Values were identified as key by Bradford Council given how they underpin and motivate behaviours. They are central to the culture of organisations and to how people in the community think about behaviours, and...

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Stronger communities – The Schools Linking Network

JAN - DEC 2020

Purpose: Supporting children and young people to explore identity, build connections & strengthen communities so everyone can live well together. Stimulus/Rationale: Bradford works with primary, secondary and special schools in localities that have been identified as having segregated...

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The Inclusive Employer


Purpose: Bradford Council seeks to be an inclusive employer Stimulus/Rationale: This initiative is rooted in Bradford Council’s Equality Objectives 2016-2020. One objective is that the Council is well run, fit for business and is fair and inclusive in its approach. This includes a focus on...

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The inclusive employers toolkit


  Purpose: Bradford Council champions inclusive business practices Stimulus/Rationale: Process: In Bradford (United Kingdom), the accountancy and consulting firm Grant Thornton have developed an Inclusive Employers Toolkit in partnership with the local authority. This aims to help local employers...

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Together for Stronger Communities


Purpose: Encouraging a sense of belonging and connection so that everyone can play their part in achieving Bradford’s ambitions Stimulus/Rationale: A greater sense of belonging and connection within a place makes people stronger, happier, healthier and more prosperous while leaving space for...

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(Re)Writing our neighbourhood

Implemented for 3 years, from March 2017 to February 2020

Purpose: (Re)Writing our neighbourhood was a 3 year project implemented in three neighbourhoods in the city of Braga, Portugal. In addition to the physical improvement of the Municipal housing neighbourhoods of Enguardas, Santa Tecla and Picoto, the project integrated 8 measures to be implemented...

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A welcoming app


Purpose: The Portuguese Network of Intercultural Cities (RPCI) has developed an app called Portugal Incoming. The app launched in 2019 is a major practical contribution to the integration of migrants in Portugal, bringing all relevant information on how to navigate the Portuguese services and...

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BragaIncoming Programme


Purpose: In 2018 the city of Braga launched the “Bragalncoming Programme”, a digital tool that aims to help newcomers (those that come either to live, to visit or invest) with much-needed information for their adaptation in the host society. This programme was developed as part of a welcoming and...

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DiverCidade Braga - An Intercultural Journey


Purpose: The City of Braga, Portugal, has created a specific website to present the city’s intercultural strategy and activities. The DiverCidade Braga Project - An Intercultural Journey aims to promote spaces, opportunities and information movements that foster the integration and union of the...

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Human Libraries


Purpose: Within the project "Braga: an Intercultural Journey", Human Library sessions are promoted in the schools of the municipality, until December 2021. The Human Library is a strategy of social innovation: it aims to promote dialogue and respect for human rights, and to combat stereotypes....

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Carrying out an Inclusive Economy Strategy for social and environmental value


Calderdale, United Kingdom, has committed to social value creation through its Inclusive Economy Strategy. All its procurement activity must be in line with social value requirements and organisational key targets which includes: 1) addressing the climate emergency, 2) reducing inequalities and...

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Everyone different, Everyone matters


In Calderdale (United Kingdom), the local authority has led the development of a social cohesion strategy, produced in consultation with the local public, under the banner of ‘everyone different, everyone matters’. This sets out a clear understanding of why the issue matters in the local area,...

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Utilising waste land to build community, local resilience, and employment


The largest employer in one of the most deprived areas of Calderdale, United Kingdom, is a voluntary organisation that has created a green kitchen building in a community garden on a piece of wasteland. The building is a straw bale structure, and the garden grows food. From this facility, they...

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Camden’s residents and the authorities building together a safe and welcoming borough

Camden has been carrying out surveys on the feeling of security/safety with respect to people with migrant/minority backgrounds. The Council has a community lead response to supporting communities and conversations with a diverse range of residents about their experiences of safety, a good...

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Conscious Inclusion

Concept Camden Council has adopted a process of ‘Conscious Inclusion’ to ensure all staff ‘can be their best self at work’. The approach taken involves a focus on leadership, staff, and systems in the Council. A Conscious Inclusion Statement was published with specific commitments to action in...

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Covid-19 Working Group


Concept Camden Council has a track record in seeking to address systemic discrimination and structural inequalities. This is not a new issue for the Council, but Covid-19 has both highlighted and exacerbated it. The Black Lives Matter movement is credited with amplifying energies in the Council...

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Cultural projects reflecting and promoting the diversity of Camden’s communities

Culture is at the centre of Camden Council’s work. It aims to deliver inspiring arts projects on Camden’s estates and neighbourhoods that are co-created, engage with the most disadvantaged residents, celebrate and showcase the unique personality of its communities, help to build community...

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Gender equality: voices of the women in Camden

Camden Council put in place mechanisms to make sure that gender equality is respected in organisations that participate in the decision-making process on matters related to the inclusion of Camden residents with migrant/minority backgrounds. On a yearly basis, Camden Council celebrates...

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Information sharing with civil society and grassroots organisations on intercultural inclusion goals

Camden collaborates with civil society and grassroots organisations that are active in the various fields concerned by intercultural inclusion, through regular meetings but also information sharing on intercultural inclusion goals. Indeed, like a lot of London boroughs, it relies on partnership...

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Initiatives of hospitality in Camden

Camden is currently welcoming a number of Afghan evacuees for support from the Council, such as housing, health care, food and education (see Asylum Seekers and Refugees - Camden Council). The support team works with Pashto and Dari interpreters. Different services and agencies provide welcome...

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Integrating and supporting the ethnic minorities in Camden’s businesses

Camden takes action to encourage businesses from ethnic minorities to move beyond the ethnic economy and enter the mainstream economy and higher value-added sectors. Good Work Camden has partnered with the Rebel Business School, an alternative to traditional business start-up support which aims...

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Involvement of Camden’s communities in its urban planning


Camden always takes into account the diversity of the population in the design, renovation and management of new public buildings or spaces. The Camden Local Plan (2017) is the key strategic document in Camden’s development plan. It sets out the vision for shaping the future of the Borough and...

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Parks for Health: promotion of health assets for the local community

Camden is working with its neighbouring authority, Islington, on a joint project called Parks for Health. This major project seeks to change the passive focus of parks into active health assets for the local community – supporting physical, mental and social wellbeing. The project has a number of...

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Participatory mechanisms and initiatives encouraging all Camden residents to engage in political life and decision-making processes

Camden Council services work in a range of ways that enable all of Camden’s residents, in particular people with migrant/minority backgrounds, to voice their concerns, examples are: Communication via Tenant Participation Officers who work closely with tenants within Camden’s housing estates....

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Providing intercultural mediation in Camden: an efficient tool for a harmonious life in the borough

In Camden, intercultural mediation is provided in the neighbourhoods and on the streets actively seeking to meet residents and discuss problems. The Family Group Conference (FGC) offers a strength-based way of working that aspires to recognise and utilise the strengths of all people, at the...

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Recruitment practices in favour of diversity in the workforce

Camden is involved with many local, regional and national organisations promoting diversity and non-discrimination in the labour market, including: Stonewall, a charity that works with institutions to create inclusive and accepting cultures for LGBTQ+ people. Camden had entered the Equality Index...

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Refugee Welcome and Integration Network

2017 - ongoing Cartagena, Spain

Purpose: On 24 May 2017, the City Council of Cartagena (Murcia - Spain) launched the Refugee Welcome and Integration Network to address the needs of refugees and asylum seekers in the municipality, in view of achieving effective protection and enjoyment of their rights. The ultimate goal of the...

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Casalecchio di Reno

Intercultural Week

2009-ongoing Casalecchio di Reno, Italy

Purpose: The festival INCONTRI DI MOnDI is developing within the intercultural strategy of the Municipality of Casalecchio di Reno. The initiative, that is renewed every year since 2009, consists in a week of conferences, shows, educational meetings, workshops and events, all connected by the...

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A welcoming app


Purpose: The Portuguese Network of Intercultural Cities (RPCI) has developed an app called Portugal Incoming. The app launched in 2019 is a major practical contribution to the integration of migrants in Portugal, bringing all relevant information on how to navigate the Portuguese services and...

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Diverse interaction on display in Cascais


Purpose: This initiative aims to celebrate the local diversity by showcasing the diverse interactions in the City. Stimulus/Rationale: Cascais is now a municipality of the world, with according to data from 2020 more than 21,000 residents from 120 nationalities and five continents who chose to...

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DNA Cascais: a creative approach to promote entrepreneurship


Purpose: DNA is a business incubator to: Develop innovative potential of young people Promote entrepreneurship Support the creation of new companies, organisation of seminars and conferences DNA Cascais has as its main axes of action the capture, fixation and development of skills and knowledge,...

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Educa programme

2011 - ongoing

Purpose: To create a group of immigrant or immigrant descendent mediators (giving them training and support) in order to develop activities of animation and mediation in contexts signalled by the teachers, functioning as a resource for the various educational activities. Stimulus/Rationale: These...

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Local Social Assessment (Diagnóstico social)

Social network - ongoing / Assessment - 2017

Purpose: To monitor citizens’ well-being, promote a participative and cohesive municipality and establish Networks that promote social development, fight poverty and social exclusion. Stimulus/Rationale: The municipality of Cascais promoted a Local Social Assessment led by the Social Network, an...

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Muraliza - Mural Art Festival


Purpose: Arts overcome cultural and ethnic differences bringing people together - A project that reshapes the historic centre of the city Arts have the uncanny ability to overcome cultural and ethnic differences: art is like a universal language that brings people together. Cascais has...

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Since 2017 - Ongoing

Purpose: Cascais regularly organises intercultural activities not only to encourage social cohesion but also to help young people to improve their self-appreciation and self-esteem. Stimulus/Rationale: The first project called “Surf.Art '' is an experimental project that, through the practice of...

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The Counsellor for Gender Equality

Since 2017 - Ongoing

Purpose: The “Conselheira para a Igualdade” (Counsellor for Equality) is a person of reference appointed by the Cascais City Council to defend Gender Equality. Stimulus/Rationale: Gender Equality is considered fundamental for local development by Cascais Municipality. The Counsellor for...

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Castellón de la Plana

Castelló Intercultural City Plan

2019 - ongoing

Purpose: As part of the actions of the Council of Social Welfare – Social Mediation and Intercultural Department, the city of Castelló de la Plana launched the “III Castelló Intercultural City Plan 2019-2023”, with a focus on the integration, mediation and conflict resolution as well as...

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”Engage in Copenhagen” – a three year inclusion programme


Purpose: ”Engage in Copenhagen” was a three year inclusion programme, designed to function as a catalyst for the Municipality of Copenhagen’s new inclusion policy and vision for the city, from 2011-2014, which replaced “integration” with “inclusion.” The goal of the ”Engage in Copenhagen”...

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The Copenhagen Host Programme


Purpose: The aim of Copenhagen’s Host Programme is to facilitate encounters between newly arrived migrants and Copenhageners who wish to volunteer as hosts to promote integration into Danish society. The programme is coordinated by the city’s Department for Integration and Language which is...

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The Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture (DCAI)


Purpose: The aim of the Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture (DCAI) is to create a national platform that reflects the diversity of Danish society in the cultural sector, by building intercultural competence. The means to achieve this are through working with partners representing a new...

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Donostia-San Sebastian

House of Peace and Human Rights

Since 2010

Purpose: The House of Peace and Human Rights aims at disseminating the culture of peace, the promotion of human rights, peace processes and the recovery of historical memory. It does so in cooperation with other local, regional and international stakeholders. Stimulus/Rationale: The House...

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Ongi Etorri Eskolara!

Since 2014

Purpose: The programme aims at: Mainstreaming an intercultural approach in schools, by valuing the different cultures present at the school and by working with all the school actors, from directors to teachers, psychologists, students and other non-teaching staff (guards, cleaners, canteen...

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Participation and interaction through renovation of public spaces: the example of Tabakalera

2019 on

Tabakalera is a former tobacco factory that was converted into a contemporary culture centre. Located in the Egia district, the building is an impressive space (13,277m2) that organises, since 2007, a wide sort of activities (exhibitions, short film screenings, etc.). Tabakalera programmes are...

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Supporting Culturally Diverse NGOs


Purpose: Support culturally diverse NGO to enhance participation of migrants, ethnic minorities and local citizens in the life of the city and to mainstream the intercultural approach. Process: The initiative consists in giving grants to culturally diverse people and NGOs in order to implement...

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The Human Rights Film Festival

Since 2003

Purpose: The Human Rights Film Festival is an initiative that uses the power of the cinema to promote a culture of peace and respect for human rights, becoming a great agent of social change. The festival aims to inform and raise public awareness of the need for the defence, promotion and respect...

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The Next Door Family

Since 2012

Purpose: The project “Bizilagunak: La Familia de al lado” gathers migrant families and Basque families together. The project operates on a local area, focusing on building relations among families within the same neighbourhood. The ultimate purpose is to build a net of connections that will...

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Women’s House

Since 2008

Purpose: The Casa de las Mujeres de Donostia is a space for women to meet, debate and reflect in order to influence policies, programmes and projects that aim to advance towards real and effective equality between women and men in all areas of life. This space is considered essential to be able...

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Community Grants


Purpose: Encourage citizens’ participation and involvement in the city through access to public grants for community projects Process: Community Development is a process where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems. Dublin City Council...

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Equality Review & Action Plan


Purpose: Equality review of provision of social housing supports and homelessness services on the ground of racial or ethnic origin and action plan. Stimulus/Rationale: Foundation This initiative is rooted in the equal treatment legislation that governs service provision. The Equal Status Acts...

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Intercultural and integration strategy for the five-year period 2021-2025


The main activity consists in the development of an intercultural and integration strategy for the five-year period 2021-2025. The development of the strategy was entrusted to the Dublin City Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), a committee created in 2014 following the publication of...

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Public Participation Networks (PPN)


Purpose: A Network to enhance community participation in local government - Promotes social inclusion - Links citizens with local authorities Stimulus/Rationale: Public Participation Networks (PPN) are a mechanism for greater community participation in local government and present opportunities...

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Towards an Inclusive Public Transport Service

2014 onwards

Purpose: Long-term programme in Dublin to fight racism and discrimination in public transport Process: Dublin City Council in partnership with Immigrant Council of Ireland, the Equality Authority of Ireland and partners in public transport launched a document 'Towards an Inclusive Public...

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Database of refugees


Purpose: A database to protect private data and speed up the stream of information between different departments. Stimulus/Rationale: For a long time, data about refugees in Erlangen were separately and independently collected different institutions, which led to tremendous information loss and...

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2013 onwards

Purpose: Promote diversity within organisations and societies Process: At the initiative of the Diversity Charter, “Diversity Day” was launched in 2013 and since then has taken place annually in Germany. During this day, participating companies and institutions such as the City of Erlangen,...

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Erlangen-Nürnberg: University enables access to education for refugees


Purpose: A database to protect private data and speed up the stream of information between different departments. Stimulus/Rationale: In 2015, four times as many people fled to Europe from their home countries than the year before – all in all more than one million refugees, the majority from...

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Erlangen: Digital inclusion in the time of crisis, while extending life of IT products


Purpose: With the Covid-19 pandemic, the topic of digitisation has become even more important. At times, participation was only possible digitally. However, the need for digital equipment is not fully covered. This is where a circular economy volunteer project comes into play. At the Erlangen...

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Guided tours of the Greatest Hits exhibition by members of Erlangen Refugee Forum : The best of the 60s, 70s, 80s, and today - from the Municipal Collection of Erlangen

2016 onwards

Purpose: To ensure digital inclusion Process: For the duration of the exhibition Greatest Hits (December 2017 to February 2018) the Kunstpalais offered guided tours in Arabic, Armenian, Persian, Russian and Turkish for the first time. The guided tours specifically targeted the communities of...

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Immigration City Erlangen

2013 onwards

Purpose: Revising the relationship between migrants and receiving societies Stimulus/Rationale: There is a popular fallacy that dominates Europe's immigration discourse: understanding immigration as a modern phenomenon. Recently, we have seen in Europe an increasing number of museums and...

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Migrant stories


Purpose: During COVID, the City of Erlangen, Germany, made a point of uplifting the stories of contributions by people with migrant backgrounds via their website and communications. These ranged from sewing and donating masks, to video keep-fit courses, helping neighbours to shop, telephone...

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Siemens’ program for integrating refugees


Purpose: Erlangen shows that labour markets can open up to refugees under favourable circumstances Process: With a population of 100 000, the City of Erlangen is home to the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (35,000 students) and the numerous branch offices of Siemens AG (25 000 employees). Since...

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The value of a city Integration Charter


The City of Erlangen is becoming more and more multicultural and, today, about the 34% of its inhabitants have a migration background. In order to encourage social cohesion, the city has redacted an Integration Charter that illustrates the integration strategy plan. More importantly, this charter...

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The Welcome App

2016 onwards

Purpose: An App to help refugees organising their everyday lives in Germany - Helps overcoming the language barrier - Provides information regarding asylum law Stimulus/Rationale: A considerable number of refugees coming to Germany are overwhelmed by the foreign culture, unable to cope with the...

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Households welcome migrants!

January - February 2018

Purpose: The initiative is as an experiment of social innovation aimed at strengthening local community resilience: some of the migrants hosted in the City had the possibility of completing their own process of social integration by spending part of their stay within Italian households....

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Planned and Systematic Approach to Equality

2019 onwards

Purpose: Galway City Council (GCC) is progressing a planned and systematic approach to equality and human rights. This is based on developing an internal infrastructure to drive its implementation of a statutory duty on public bodies to have regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, promote...

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Complaints of Discrimination

Concept The City of Geneva funds and works with the Centre – Écoute contre le Racisme (C-ECR), which defends, advises and assists people affected by racism. The Center-Écoute contre le Racisme is completely independent of the City of Geneva. It can provide support to those who might experience...

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Diversity policy in Geneva - New roadmap for the 2020-2025 legislature


Purpose: Since 2014, the City of Geneva has been developing a public policy on cultural diversity and fight against racism. Placed among its priorities by the Administrative Council (executive of the City of Geneva), the policy aims, more specifically, to create conditions conducive to the...

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Evaluation of the City of Geneva's diversity policy for the period 2016-2020

The City of Geneva publishes the results of the evaluation of its diversity policy for the period 2016-2020. Geneva is unlike any other of the cities which are member of the Intercultural Cities Network (ICC) and unique compared to many other cities around the world. A city of global importance,...

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Geneva: the City tackles hurtful words


At a time when social networks and digital communication are having a major impact on our everyday interaction, raising awareness of discriminatory remarks and speech is a real challenge for public authorities. The amount of information and the speed at which it flashes across our screens mean...

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Community – Police relationship

Four months from March to June 2017 (pilot in one neighbourhood)

The goal of the programme is to increase the feeling of security among Haifa’s more vulnerable residents and neighbourhoods and to improve the police force’s ability to carry out its role through the process of developing cultural competency skills and building trust between the police and the...

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Haifa Center for Dialogue and Conflict Management

Ongoing activities

The Haifa Centre for Dialogue and Conflict Management works to strengthen communities and improve the quality of life for all of Haifa’s residents by providing dispute resolution services and by helping residents and institutions build their capacities of resilience. The Centre provides...

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Tachles: Arab-Jewish Youth Club

Ongoing activities (Since 2012)

Tachles is a unique group in Haifa that brings together 150 Arab and Jewish teenagers, incorporating various groups separated by age and special interests, to meet together for about three hours per week for joint activities on the basis of common interests. The programme aims to address the fact...

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LUCIDE is a network seeks to develop ideas about how to manage multilingual citizen communities. Through building up a picture of how communication occurs in multilingual settings across the EU and beyond, it aims to help institutions (councils, schools, hospitals) and local and national...

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Akadimia - an Intercultural Centre for Social Integration

2021 - Ongoing

Purpose: The purpose of the Intercultural Centre for Social Integration in Ioannina is to provide support and assistance primarily to refugees and migrants residing in the area. It aims to improve their living conditions and promote peaceful coexistence through the provision of social services,...

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Urban Working Group (UWG) of Epirus

since April 2017

Purpose: The purpose of the Urban Working Group (UWG) is to facilitate effective coordination and collaboration among various stakeholders involved in refugee management in the Epirus region of Greece. By bringing together public authorities, UN agencies, non-governmental organisations, and...

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Integrated Impact Assessment


Purpose: Kirklees Council has developed an Integrated Impact Assessment process that is implemented when new services, policies or strategies are being developed or existing ones being changed or when reviews or audits are being conducted in the organisation. The Integrated Impact Assessment...

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Ciljane inicijative za podatke o jednakosti

Iroko 7 C u Kirklizu – Fokus na zajednicu


Svrha: Projekat Iroko je osmišljen tokom perioda od osam meseci, i to u cilju pružanja odgovora na kontekst: oštrih nejednakosti za crne i afričke karipske zajednice[1] koje je otkrila pandemija virusa COVID-19 i protesti Black Lives Matter; narušeni odnosi sa ovim zajednicama kojima je bila...

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Listening Circles on ‘Race’, Racism, and Inequalities


Purpose: Kirklees Council has identified and pursued the potential in Listening Circles to contribute to addressing systemic discrimination. Listening Circles are to provide time and a safe space for staff to say what they are thinking and feeling around the theme of ‘race’, racism and...

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Place based cultural development within Kirklees – focus on textiles and music


Purpose: The City of Kirklees launched place based cultural development running from 2018 until 2023, dealing with public spaces and community engagement through arts and culture. It aims to deliver district wide cultural initiatives, rooted in place that engages with all the towns and villages....

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Reinvigorating Employee Networks

Purpose: Kirklees Council has identified that equality related employee networks play an important role in informing decision-making and enabling innovation. In doing so, they contribute to addressing systemic discrimination. The Council has networks of: BAME* staff; young staff; staff who are...

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Purpose: Monitoring the diversity of recruitment and promotion locally, and working with employers to champion diverse workplaces. Stimulus/Rationale: Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is always evolving, and it is important to interrogate practices, people, systems, processes and policies....

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Lublin, Krakow and Wrocław together against hate speech

2nd half 2021

Purpose: This public awareness-raising initiative was undertaken by the three Polish cities: Lublin, Krakow and Wrocław, to address the burning problem of hate speech targeting minorities by developing joint counter narratives and mapping out the local context of hate speech. The aim was also to...

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A common public space through cooperation


As part of the ‘Our Spaces’ Strategy[1], the city considers a number of principles, one of which is that ‘our spaces will be inclusive, designed for all ages, abilities and reflect Leeds’ diverse communities’. As part of this strategy the city also plans for public space to become the greatest...

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A Strategic, Coordinated and Inclusive Approach to Migration


The development of the city’s Strategic, Coordinated and Inclusive Approach to Migration was the result of a year’s consultation and research over 2016 - 2017. The process included focus groups with Migrant communities, as well as migrant third sector organisations and other stakeholders to...

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An international policy in Leeds


Leeds have a policy to encourage international cooperation in economic, scientific, cultural, or other areas. The policy further has a specific financial provision and the city actively takes action to further the international relations. The city has an International Relations Team who work...

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Community Connector Project


In July 2019, Leeds started the 15-month Community Connector project[1] which aims to support new migrants to connect with local services and existing community networks through building bridges that encourage participation and independence. This project also adds value to wider programs of work...

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Employment and skills - Adult Learning Programme, BUILD programme, Leeds Anchors Network


In Leeds 24% of the working age population do not have a Level 2 Qualification. The city therefore runs an Adult Learning Programme which is targeted at residents with low-level skills and qualifications; those living in poverty; unemployed or with multiple barriers and disadvantage. Over a...

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Equalities Assembly in Leeds

2020 and on

Local authorities have statutory obligations to consider equality in the United Kingdom (UK). The Equalities Assembly was set up by Leeds to ensure all diverse communities are involved in the council’s work and decision-making. It is a forum made up of Equality Hubs, which helps ensure Leeds City...

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Fresh start – Learning English


As part of ‘Child Friendly Leeds’[1], the city recognises that starting school in a new location is daunting. The city has therefore established a weekly session for children aged 9-16 called ‘Fresh Start’, to learn about the British school system in a fun and informal way also helping to improve...

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Housing policy in Leeds


Creating sustainable communities is one of the six Leeds Housing Strategy themes. Housing Leeds officers have worked with community based Housing Advisory Panels to support a number of intercultural projects in deprived areas of the city, including community fun days, digital access projects,...

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Intercultural Mediation in Leeds


Leeds provides intercultural mediation in a number of ways: Equalities Assembly: forum up of Equality Hubs, helping ensure the council engages/involves diverse communities. Public Sector Equality Duty provide this forum for cultural conflicts to be considered, debated and resolved assembly...

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Migrant Community Networkers – Creating links in the neighbourhood


Leeds has a Migrant Access Programme (MAP) which aims to promote community cohesion and enhance resilience and sustainability of local communities in Leeds. The Programme uses asset-based engagement tools to work to bring new migrants and settled communities together in a way that benefits...

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Participatory Processes to Ensure Equal Access


Leeds organises an Equalities Assembly, participatory budgeting, intercultural dialogue platforms/round tables as well as MAP+ and the Migrant Community Networkers weekly drop-in. Additionally, the city has the Intercultural dialogue platform which was developed in 2010 when creating the ‘Vision...

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Policies to decrease inequalities and structural issues


Under the Equality Act 2010, the city runs Equality Impact Assessments. These ensure that they give due regard to equality, diversity, cohesion and integration when making key decisions on strategy, policy, service and function improvement. This requires either screening documents or impact...

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The Inclusive Anchors Network


In Leeds (United Kingdom), a group of the thirteen largest (primarily) public sector employers, including the city council, local universities and Yorkshire Water, have formed the Inclusive Anchors Network, with a focus on driving inclusive growth across the city. As part of this, in partnership...

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The Language Hub Programme


Based on the Culture Strategy 2017-2030[1] the city aims to change perceptions and attitudes towards culture and the arts, moving the focus from what they cost to what they create. All decision-making reports are required to address the implications of decisions on equality, diversity, cohesion...

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The Leeds Citizens Panel


Leeds has implemented the Leeds Citizens Panel[1], to ensure broad consultation and engagement in co-design involving people with diverse backgrounds in policy formulation. The panel enables the city to engage with diverse groups when considering proposals which have a wider impact on the...

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The Leeds City Region Diversity Dashboard


The Leeds City Region Diversity Dashboard is a project by the Leeds Inclusive Anchors Network. Leeds Inclusive Anchors Network is a group of the city’s largest (mainly) public sector employers. They come together and focus on areas where they can make a difference for people as an employer,...

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The Leeds Learning Alliance

Since 2019

The Leeds Learning Alliance (LLA) is a consortium of organisations formed in 2019 by a group of leaders, aiming to improve education in Leeds, United Kingdom (UK). The Alliance is unusual in the UK in that it includes education, the public, private and third sector trying to explore what genuine...

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The Leeds Migration Map


Leeds has mainstreamed statistical and qualitative information about diversity and intercultural relations to inform the local/municipal council’s process of policy formulation. This is done through the Leeds Migration Map[1], a toolkit developed to provide intelligence and insight into migration...

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Boosting the citizens’ social life with art and festivities

The City Council of Limassol promotes access to culture for the whole population with a broad programme of free events and activities. The City Council uses interculturalism as a criterion when allocating funds to associations and initiatives. Limassol also has a policy to facilitate and support...

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Intercultural Council of Limassol

2017 - ongoing

Purpose: The purpose of the Limassol Intercultural Council is to foster inclusive integration and promote intercultural understanding within the city of Limassol. By bringing together representatives from migrants' associations, NGOs, diplomatic bodies, labour unions, media, and active citizens,...

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Limassol’s Intercultural Council helps the city to handle challenges with an Intercultural Strategy

2023 – 2025

Purpose: The purpose of the intercultural integration strategy in Limassol is to foster diversity as a source of strength and prosperity by promoting inclusive interactions, empowering all community members, fostering intercultural competence, embracing cultural pluralism, developing inclusive...

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Multilingual initiatives improve the intercultural dialogue and the inclusive integration


Purpose: The purpose of the activity is to foster intercultural dialogue and inclusive integration through multilingual initiatives. The city of Limassol, Cyprus, takes significant steps to promote language training activities, both by national authorities and the civil sector, enabling...

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A welcoming app


Purpose: The Portuguese Network of Intercultural Cities (RPCI) has developed an app called Portugal Incoming. The app launched in 2019 is a major practical contribution to the integration of migrants in Portugal, bringing all relevant information on how to navigate the Portuguese services and...

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Campaigns and communication for inclusion


Purpose: Lisbon, Portugal, developed a programme (“Somos os Direitos que temos” – We are our rights) targeting more awareness towards diversity, human rights, and inclusion. The awareness of the rights that are incumbent on each one, their capacity for participation and citizenship, is another of...

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