Action summary

The Action against Economic Crime in Montenegro (AEC-MNE) will aim to improve implementation of specific key recommendations of the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) and Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL), and to further strengthen institutional capacities to counter and prevent corruption; money laundering; and the financing of terrorism in accordance with European standards.

The Action will focus on supporting the authorities in several directions including support for the strengthening of legislative and regulatory frameworks, institutional capacity building and support enhanced inter-agency and international co-operation.

This Action is part of the Council of Europe/European Union Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey.

Overall objective

The overall objective of the action is to contribute to democracy and the rule of law through prevention and control of economic crimes in Montenegro in accordance with European and other international standards.

Outcomes and expected outputs

Objective 1: Improve the legal framework to prevent corruption

Expected results:

  • Support to the implementation of legislation on prevention of corruption and political party financing through awareness raising and capacity building

Objective 2: Enhance capacities of Anti-corruption Agency (ACA)

Expected results:

  • A track record system of political parties funding controls is designed and available for the Authority
  • The capacities of the Anti-corruption Agency are enhanced in areas of its core functions including whistleblower protection, conflict of interest, political party financing and asset declarations
  • ACA has effective information exchange frameworks with competent authorities to undertake its control functions
  • Prepare and implement the curricula for MPs on ethics, integrity and prevention of conflict of interest
  • Provide guidelines and training to civil servants, law enforcement and judiciary on protection of whistleblowers in accordance with the national legislation and relevant CoE standards

Objective 3: Enhance capacities of law enforcement authorities, prosecution and judiciary in combating economic crime

Expected results:

  • Capacities and skills of the LEA/prosecution and judiciary in investigating, prosecuting and adjudicating corruption/ML/FT cases are enhanced
  • The regime of seized and confiscated corruption related assets is improved

Objective 4: Improve AML/CFT strategic planning and analysis mechanisms, and strengthen capacities of FIU and supervisory authorities

Expected results:

  • The internal procedures and methodology for the analytical process of the FIU are upgraded
  • FIU’s employees analytical skills are enhanced
  • AML/CFT supervisory authorities implement a risk-based supervisory approach in the MVTS and DNFBP sectors
  • Capacities of reporting entities to identify and monitor high-risk relationships are enhanced
  • AML/CFT capacities of the DNFBP sector are enhanced
  • An effectiveness-oriented national AML/CFT strategy is developed

This webpage has been produced using funds of a joint project between the European Union and the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.


  • Duration: 36 months - from 23 May 2016 to 23 May 2019
  • Beneficiaries/Partners: Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) and Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL)
  • Funding: The European Union and the Council of Europe
  • Budget: 650,000 EUR