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Assessment of the Montenegrin Constitutional Court´s decisions

An assessment of the Montenegrin Constitutional Court´s decisions, which was developed under the auspices of the FILL project, was presented to the judges and advisers of the Constitutional Court of Montenegro on 7 July 2017.

The assessment provides a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the application of the European Convention on Human Rights by the Constitutional Court in the last three years, and contains clear recommendations on how to improve the situation and enhance the institutional capacities of the Constitutional Court with a view towards achieving a more coherent application of the Strasbourg case law.

Further trainings of the advisers and judges of the Constitutional Court on European human rights standards is necessary for enhancement of the quality of the Constitutional Court´s work. In the given context, the Department for the ECtHR case law needs to be established and operational. On the other hand, the training of lawyers and awareness raising on the mechanisms of the constitutional complaint is also needed to reduce the number of complaints that are manifestly ill founded and struck out. Efficiency of the Constitutional Court still gives rise to concern, and further action is needed to enable the Court to deal with the constitutional complaints within a reasonable time.

Podgorica 7 July 2017
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