
Yellow square Programme

Yellow square Conclusions

Yellow square Madrid Declaration

Yellow square List of participants

Yellow square Videoretrasmission of the speech from Mr Jorge Fernando Branco de Sampaio, High Representative for Alliance of Civilisations



Yellow square Workshop 1
Human Rights, Democracy and
Rule of Law

Yellow square Workshop 2
Democratic citizenship,
cultural diversity and
social cohesion

Yellow square Workshop 3
Europe and the world



Yellow square Practical details

Yellow square Contact

Workshop 1: Human rights and the rule of law are under threat from the world economic crisis and the fallout from various conflicts. How can we reassert them and what new insights can we draw on to help us?

“1) The core objective of the Council of Europe is to preserve and promote human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe. All its activities should contribute to this objective.

2) Human rights are universal and indivisible. They are the inalienable rights of each and every individual. Ensuring that everyone Europe-wide can fully exercise his or her rights in practice and without discrimination constitutes the priority task of our Organisation. It has many achievements to its credit, including the abolition of the death penalty. It will continue its action to promote human rights in order to respond to the challenges of these changing times.

3) The European Court of Human Rights ensures the observance of the engagements undertaken by member states under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and represents the judicial dimension of this action. The Court has for 50 years been securing the protection in practice of the rights of individuals. We shall ensure that this continues to be the case by guaranteeing the long-term effectiveness of the irreplaceable mechanism of the Convention.

6) We are committed to strengthening the rule of law throughout the continent, building on the standard setting of the Council of Europe and its contribution to the development of European and international law. This invaluable work, carried out through legally binding conventions and other instruments, will be continued, in particular to respond to the serious threats represented by corruption and money laundering, organised crime and cybercrime. In addition, counterfeit medicines and the unregulated use of biotechnology require a concerted response at European level. At the same time, the Council of Europe will forge ahead with its efforts to make the most of the potential of the new technologies for the protection of human rights and the promotion of democracy.

7) The Council of Europe will also step up its action to make gender equality a reality and to promote the rights of children and persons with disabilities. It will pursue its efforts to fight human trafficking as well as to prevent and combat violence against women and children, including domestic violence.” Declaration of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Madrid, 12 May 2009