Multimedia resources - Autumn Session of the Congress

19- 21 November 2007 - Strasbourg, France


Copyright-free video and photos from the Autumn Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, held from 19 to 21 November 2007, are available online and can be downloaded and used for publication with the mention ©Council of Europe.

Video records

Chamber of Local Authorities debate on local democracy in Turkey
Video record - 1st part
Video record - 2nd part

Dosta! Prize Ceremony
Video record

Speech by Vitaly Shipov, Russian Vice Minister of Regional Development
Video record of the speech
Video record of the debate

Press conference of Halvdan Skard and Vitaly Shipov
Video record - 1st part
Video record - 2nd part



All the photos of the session can be downloaded in a professional format for high quality printing.
Photo gallery of the Session
Photo gallery of the Dosta!Prize ceremony
Multimedia portal

see also

Special file: Congress Autumn Session


Congress Communication Unit
Tel: +33 (0)3 90 21 48 95