Plenary Session of the Congress
3 to 5 March 2009 - Strasbourg, France

The Congress responded to the current economic downturn by organising, on 4 and 5 March, a debate on ways for European territorial authorities to cope with the consequences of the international financial crisis.

Among participants to the debate were Maurice Vincent, Mayor of Saint-Etienne (France), Svetlana Orlova, Representative of the Kemerovo Regional Parliament in the Russian Federal Assembly (Russian Federation), Vladimir Moskov, Mayor of Goce Delcev (Bulgaria) and Vice-President of NALAS, Yevgen Kartashov, President of the Municipal Council of Zaporizhzhya (Ukraine), and Adrien Zeller, Président of the Regional Council of Bas-Rhin (France).

Vladimir Moskov, NALAS Vice-President

Maurice Vincent: Putting our finances on a sound and secure footing and preparing for the end of the crisis
Speaking in the debate on the consequences for local authorities of the international financial crisis, the Mayor of Saint Etienne, Maurice Vincent, called on the latter to re-assess and renegotiate if necessary their bank loans, and to prepare now for the future and for the end of the crisis by investing in sustainable development and innovation.

All the news of the Session


Video of the debate


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